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Micro-Trains - 993 00 162 - Tank Car, Single Dome, 56 Foot - Procor - 40463, 40469, 40470

N Scale - Micro-Trains - 993 00 162 - Tank Car, Single Dome, 56 Foot - Procor - 40463, 40469, 40470 Image Provided by Micro-Trains Line
Image Courtesy of David Grothe
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Stock Number993 00 162
Secondary Stock Number993 00 162
Original Retail Price$104.95
ManufacturerMicro-Trains Line
Body StyleMicro-Trains 993 Runner Pack
Image Provider's WebsiteLink
Prototype VehicleTank Car, Single Dome, 56 Foot (Details)
Road or Company NameProcor (Details)
Reporting MarksPROX
Road or Reporting Number40463, 40469, 40470
Paint Color(s)Black
Print Color(s)White and Yellow
Coupler TypeMT Magne-Matic Knuckle
Coupler MountTruck-Mount
Wheel TypeInjection Molded Plastic
Wheel ProfileStandard
Multipack Count3
Multipack ID Number993 00 162
Series NameRunner Pack
Series Release/Issue Number162
Announcement Date2019-09-01
Release Date2020-02-01
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeTank Car
Model Subtype56 Foot
Model VarietyGeneral Service
Prototype RegionNorth America
Prototype EraNA Era IV: 2nd Gen Diesel (1958 - 1978)

Specific Item Information: With a 263,000-pound capacity and holding over 30,000 gallons, this Procor-owned tank car is often used to carry fuel oil. A Canadian Company, Procor was founded in 1952 and is currently the largest private rail car lessor in Canada, owning more than 21,000 freight cars.
Model Information: Many times since Micro-Trains/Kadee first started producing cars in 1972, they have sold 'multipacks' of cars in shrink-wrapped bundles. These releases have bundles several different items with the same theme together in a single shrink-wrapped packaged. However, in April of 2007, due to demand for groups of cars with the same paint scheme yet with different road numbers, the "Runner Pack" was born.

Runner pack number one got a special presentation box instead of simple shrink wrap and contained four different Pennsy boxcars with identical paint schemes yet different road numbers. These releases were intended for people who like to "run" their cars yet like each car to have a different road number. The 4-car runner packs have been very successful and were joined later by 8-car packs as well as 3-packs of larger, more expensive cars. Over 100 different box sets in this series have been produced by MTL as of 2017.
Prototype History:
Larger 50+ foot yank cars replaced their smaller predecessors in the late 1960s and 1970s. One example is the class DOT 111 A100. This car is rated for non-pressurized use with a safe maximum operating pressure of 100 psi. Developments in materials and manufacturing allowed this tanker to be constructed without an underframe. The bottom of the tank itself serves as the load bearing structure. The primary difference between the various types of DOT 111 A100 class tank cars is internal with varying types of insulation, lining and even weld material. Cars of this type haul a wide variety of commodities such as gasoline, vegetable oils, corn syrup, fruit juice and weed killers.
Road Name History:
Procor is a Canadian company producing railway shipping cars. It is Canada's largest private rail car rental fleet, with more than 21,000 conventional and special-purpose tank and freight cars. Linked to Sparling Tank Car of Toronto, Procor was founded in 1952 as Products Tank Line Limited and became an affiliate of US-based Union Tank Car Company. Within a few years they had become a major player in Canadian tank car operations through the acquisition of the Transit Co./Imperial Oil fleet in 1955, along with a number of smaller operators such as Canadian Industries Ltd. circa late 1956. The company, which shortened its name to Procor in 1962, is headquartered in Oakville, Ontario.
Brand/Importer Information: Micro-Trains is the brand name used by both Kadee Quality Products and Micro-Trains Line. For a history of the relationship between the brand and the two companies, please consult our Micro-Trains Collector's Guide.
Manufacturer Information:
Micro-Trains Line split off from Kadee Quality Products in 1990. Kadee Quality Products originally got involved in N-Scale by producing a scaled-down version of their successful HO Magne-Matic knuckle coupler system. This coupler was superior to the ubiquitous 'Rapido' style coupler due to two primary factors: superior realistic appearance and the ability to automatically uncouple when stopped over a magnet embedded in a section of track. The success of these couplers in N-Scale quickly translated to the production of trucks, wheels and in 1972 a release of ready-to-run box cars.

Micro-Trains Line Co. split off from Kadee in 1990 to form a completely independent company. For this reason, products from this company can appear with labels from both enterprises. Due to the nature of production idiosyncrasies and various random factors, the rolling stock from Micro-Trains can have all sorts of interesting variations in both their packaging as well as the products themselves. When acquiring an MTL product it is very important to understand these important production variations that can greatly enhance (or decrease) the value of your purchase.

Please consult our Micro-Trains Collector's Guide
Item created by: CMK on 2020-01-31 07:08:55. Last edited by grothe77 on 2025-02-18 23:14:37

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