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N Scale Model Trains Database

Engines, Rolling Stock, Structures, and Accessories

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N-Scale Model Trains

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N-Scale Train Modeling is a hobby concerned with the recreation, display and operation of railway equipment in miniature. N-Scale is sometimes also referred to as N-Gauge.

N-Scale is a group of similar dimensional relationships including (but not limited to) 1/160, 1/150 and 1/148. All share in common a railroad gauge of 9mm (0.354 in). The earliest model trains to use this scale were made by Lone Star in the United Kingdom in their OOO (Treble-O) line. Interestingly, the Lone Star models use a dimensional relationship of 1/152. The first models to use a 1/160 scale were made by Arnold of Germany in the 1960s. The most common dimensional relationship in the United States and Europe is 1/160. Japanese manufacturers make a mix of 1/150 and 1/160 products but for the most part use 1/150. Model manufacturers in the United Kingdom prefer 1/148.

When it comes to track, N Scale always uses a standard 9mm distance between the two rails. The track height, however, can vary. Common heights are 0.08 inches high (Code 80) and 0.055 inches (Code 55). For narrow gauge modelers, track is 6.5mm between the rails (Z-Scale), but the dimensional ratio of the models is still typically 1/160, 1/150 or 1/148.

Worldwide, N Scale is the second most popular model railroading Scale after HO, but in certain geographical regions (Japan in particular) it exceeds even HO in popularity.

Database N Scale Model Trains has 118319 Items

Top Contributors (30 day)

CNW400 330
grothe77 44
scout9410 14
baggedbird 13
Alain LM 13

Item Category

↡ Uncategorized ↠ Uncategorized 3
↡ Accessories ↠ Accessories 3488
↡ Container ↠ Container 2450
↡ Figures ↠ Figures 1155
↡ Freight Train ↠ Freight Train 327
↡ Locomotives ↠ Locomotives 22714
↡ Passenger Cars ↠ Passenger Cars 7030
↡ Passenger Trains ↠ Passenger Trains 2132
↡ Pre-Database ↠ Pre-Database 2
↡ Promotional Items ↠ Promotional Items 7
↡ Rolling Stock ↠ Rolling Stock 1
↡ Rolling Stock (Freight) ↠ Rolling Stock (Freight) 66390
↡ Scenery ↠ Scenery 1036
↡ Starter Sets ↠ Starter Sets 277
↡ Structures ↠ Structures 5050
↡ Tender ↠ Tender 47
↡ Track ↠ Track 808
↡ Vehicles ↠ Vehicles 5402


↡ Uncategorized ↠ Uncategorized 1
↡ 'N' Gauging Products ↠ 'N' Gauging Products 2
↡ After Hours Graphics ↠ After Hours Graphics 5
↡ AHM ↠ AHM 196
↡ AJ California Crossing ↠ AJ California Crossing 10
↡ Ak-Sar-Ben ↠ Ak-Sar-Ben 133
↡ Al's Kustom Train Kars ↠ Al's Kustom Train Kars 43
↡ Alan Curtis Models ↠ Alan Curtis Models 7
↡ Alkem Scale Models ↠ Alkem Scale Models 16
↡ All Scale Miniatures ↠ All Scale Miniatures 67
↡ Alloy Forms ↠ Alloy Forms 31
↡ American Limited ↠ American Limited 14
↡ American Model Builders ↠ American Model Builders 62
↡ Animek Models ↠ Animek Models 1
↡ Archistories ↠ Archistories 6
↡ Arizona Rock & Mineral ↠ Arizona Rock & Mineral 30
↡ Arnold ↠ Arnold 423
↡ Arnold Hornby ↠ Arnold Hornby 85
↡ Art Griffin Decals ↠ Art Griffin Decals 13
↡ Artitec ↠ Artitec 266
↡ Athabasca Scale models ↠ Athabasca Scale models 3
↡ Athearn ↠ Athearn 7637
↡ Atlas ↠ Atlas 21758
↡ Aurora Miniatures ↠ Aurora Miniatures 60
↡ Aurora Postage Stamp ↠ Aurora Postage Stamp 230
↡ Aurora Rail Masters ↠ Aurora Rail Masters 16
↡ Auscision Models ↠ Auscision Models 111
↡ Aust-N-Rail ↠ Aust-N-Rail 8
↡ Aztec ↠ Aztec 196
↡ B&T Model ↠ B&T Model 97
↡ Bachmann ↠ Bachmann 1782
↡ Bandai ↠ Bandai 4
↡ Bar Mills ↠ Bar Mills 84
↡ Bev-Bel ↠ Bev-Bel 269
↡ Blair Line ↠ Blair Line 173
↡ BLMA ↠ BLMA 690
↡ Bluford Shops ↠ Bluford Shops 1917
↡ Boulder Creek Engineering ↠ Boulder Creek Engineering 1
↡ Bowser ↠ Bowser 1504
↡ Boyd ↠ Boyd 7
↡ Brawa ↠ Brawa 626
↡ Briggs Models ↠ Briggs Models 47
↡ Broadway Limited ↠ Broadway Limited 2047
↡ Brooklyn Locomotive Works ↠ Brooklyn Locomotive Works 259
↡ Bruce Richardson ↠ Bruce Richardson 24
↡ Busch ↠ Busch 167
↡ C in C ↠ C in C 35
↡ C-Rail-Intermodal ↠ C-Rail-Intermodal 16
↡ Caboose Industries ↠ Caboose Industries 9
↡ California Freight and Detail Company ↠ California Freight and Detail Company 25
↡ Campbell Scale Models ↠ Campbell Scale Models 14
↡ CDS Dry Transfer Lettering ↠ CDS Dry Transfer Lettering 13
↡ Centerline ↠ Centerline 2
↡ Central Graphics ↠ Central Graphics 1
↡ Central Valley Model Works ↠ Central Valley Model Works 10
↡ Centralia Car Shops ↠ Centralia Car Shops 878
↡ CG Model Trains ↠ CG Model Trains 12
↡ Chooch Enterprises ↠ Chooch Enterprises 33
↡ City Classics ↠ City Classics 1
↡ Classic Metal Works ↠ Classic Metal Works 347
↡ Clever Creek Miniatures ↠ Clever Creek Miniatures 59
↡ Club Internacional del Libro (CIL) ↠ Club Internacional del Libro (CIL) 1
↡ CMX Products ↠ CMX Products 1
↡ CO. K Productions ↠ CO. K Productions 2
↡ Columbus Trainmaster ↠ Columbus Trainmaster 135
↡ Con-Cor ↠ Con-Cor 3464
↡ Concord Car Shops ↠ Concord Car Shops 1
↡ Conductor's Choice ↠ Conductor's Choice 1
↡ Creative Laser Design ↠ Creative Laser Design 3
↡ CS Models ↠ CS Models 11
↡ Custom Model Railroads ↠ Custom Model Railroads 53
↡ Dapol ↠ Dapol 782
↡ Daron ↠ Daron 2
↡ DCC Concepts ↠ DCC Concepts 1
↡ De Agostini ↠ De Agostini 2
↡ Del Prado ↠ Del Prado 4
↡ Delaware Valley ↠ Delaware Valley 65
↡ Deluxe Innovations ↠ Deluxe Innovations 1717
↡ Design Preservation Models ↠ Design Preservation Models 35
↡ Diecast Masters ↠ Diecast Masters 1
↡ Digitrax ↠ Digitrax 63
↡ Dimi-Trains ↠ Dimi-Trains 11
↡ DM-Toys ↠ DM-Toys 3
↡ Downtown Deco ↠ Downtown Deco 30
↡ DP Model Train Products ↠ DP Model Train Products 11
↡ Dream Designs ↠ Dream Designs 4
↡ Dwarvin ↠ Dwarvin 11
↡ E&C Shops ↠ E&C Shops 133
↡ E-R Models ↠ E-R Models 41
↡ EA Electronics ↠ EA Electronics 16
↡ Eastern Seaboard Models ↠ Eastern Seaboard Models 330
↡ EFE Rail ↠ EFE Rail 46
↡ Elgin Locomotive Works ↠ Elgin Locomotive Works 1
↡ ESU ↠ ESU 14
↡ Evemodel ↠ Evemodel 170
↡ ExactRail ↠ ExactRail 835
↡ Faller ↠ Faller 709
↡ Fine N-Scale Products ↠ Fine N-Scale Products 113
↡ FireFly ↠ FireFly 1
↡ Fleischmann ↠ Fleischmann 810
↡ Fox Valley ↠ Fox Valley 2147
↡ Fujimoto Hobby ↠ Fujimoto Hobby 9
↡ Fulgurex ↠ Fulgurex 13
↡ Gabor ↠ Gabor 16
↡ Gaugemaster ↠ Gaugemaster 2
↡ GCLaser ↠ GCLaser 121
↡ GHB International ↠ GHB International 8
↡ GHQ Models ↠ GHQ Models 112
↡ Gloor Craft ↠ Gloor Craft 8
↡ Gold Medal Models ↠ Gold Medal Models 46
↡ Good Smile Company ↠ Good Smile Company 1
↡ Good Wood ↠ Good Wood 1
↡ GoodDealsDCC ↠ GoodDealsDCC 2
↡ Gordon Cable Stay ↠ Gordon Cable Stay 10
↡ Graham Farish ↠ Graham Farish 761
↡ Grandt Line ↠ Grandt Line 17
↡ Grani&Partners ↠ Grani&Partners 2
↡ Greenmax ↠ Greenmax 84
↡ Hallmark Cards ↠ Hallmark Cards 53
↡ Hallmark Models ↠ Hallmark Models 24
↡ Harburn Hobbies ↠ Harburn Hobbies 41
↡ Hay Bros ↠ Hay Bros 429
↡ Heki ↠ Heki 9
↡ Heljan ↠ Heljan 45
↡ Herkat ↠ Herkat 7
↡ Herpa ↠ Herpa 153
↡ High Speed ↠ High Speed 9
↡ Hobbytrain ↠ Hobbytrain 140
↡ Hornby-Minitrix ↠ Hornby-Minitrix 7
↡ Hubert's ↠ Hubert's 51
↡ Hunterline ↠ Hunterline 17
↡ Ibertren ↠ Ibertren 28
↡ IHC ↠ IHC 26
↡ IMEX ↠ IMEX 61
↡ Industrial Rail ↠ Industrial Rail 23
↡ Interail Intermodal Models ↠ Interail Intermodal Models 3
↡ InterMountain ↠ InterMountain 10903
↡ Iowa Scaled Engineering ↠ Iowa Scaled Engineering 11
↡ ITLA ↠ ITLA 29
↡ Jacksonville Terminal ↠ Jacksonville Terminal 661
↡ Jägerndorfer ↠ Jägerndorfer 16
↡ Jamco Limited ↠ Jamco Limited 1
↡ JC Timmer ↠ JC Timmer 5
↡ JL Innovative ↠ JL Innovative 67
↡ JnJ ↠ JnJ 324
↡ JTT Scenery ↠ JTT Scenery 78
↡ JV Models ↠ JV Models 30
↡ K*train ↠ K*train 4
↡ KanaModel ↠ KanaModel 10
↡ Kaslo Shops Distributing ↠ Kaslo Shops Distributing 33
↡ Kato ↠ Kato 1780
↡ Kato Lemke ↠ Kato Lemke 101
↡ Kato USA ↠ Kato USA 3114
↡ KenRay ↠ KenRay 202
↡ Kestrel Designs ↠ Kestrel Designs 64
↡ Key ↠ Key 42
↡ Kibri ↠ Kibri 122
↡ KMP Models ↠ KMP Models 7
↡ Kuehn ↠ Kuehn 31
↡ Kustom Line ↠ Kustom Line 1
↡ L.S. Models ↠ L.S. Models 14
↡ Langley ↠ Langley 2
↡ Laser-Art ↠ Laser-Art 52
↡ Layout Dynamics ↠ Layout Dynamics 23
↡ LBF Company ↠ LBF Company 233
↡ Leadville Designs ↠ Leadville Designs 6
↡ Lemke ↠ Lemke 183
↡ Life-Like ↠ Life-Like 1236
↡ Liliput ↠ Liliput 108
↡ Lima ↠ Lima 226
↡ Lineside Models ↠ Lineside Models 101
↡ Lionel ↠ Lionel 1
↡ Loco-Motives ↠ Loco-Motives 40
↡ Lone Star ↠ Lone Star 25
↡ Longshadows Model Trees ↠ Longshadows Model Trees 3
↡ Lowell Smith ↠ Lowell Smith 35
↡ Luetke ↠ Luetke 182
↡ Lunde Studios ↠ Lunde Studios 17
↡ Mabar ↠ Mabar 41
↡ Magnuson Models ↠ Magnuson Models 4
↡ Marks ↠ Marks 14
↡ Master Flyer Creations ↠ Master Flyer Creations 9
↡ Mehano ↠ Mehano 42
↡ Merit ↠ Merit 16
↡ Merten ↠ Merten 68
↡ Micro Ace ↠ Micro Ace 87
↡ Micro Engineering ↠ Micro Engineering 79
↡ Micro-Mark ↠ Micro-Mark 1
↡ Micro-Trains ↠ Micro-Trains 13360
↡ Micron Art ↠ Micron Art 46
↡ Microscale ↠ Microscale 73
↡ Miller Engineering ↠ Miller Engineering 232
↡ Miniatronics ↠ Miniatronics 12
↡ Minicraft ↠ Minicraft 14
↡ Minitrain ↠ Minitrain 3
↡ Minitrix ↠ Minitrix 1456
↡ MJB Models ↠ MJB Models 3
↡ MNP ↠ MNP 6
↡ Model Power ↠ Model Power 940
↡ Model Tech Studios ↠ Model Tech Studios 392
↡ Modelismo Ferroviario ↠ Modelismo Ferroviario 15
↡ Modellbahn Union ↠ Modellbahn Union 94
↡ Modelscene ↠ Modelscene 88
↡ Modemo ↠ Modemo 12
↡ Monroe Models ↠ Monroe Models 59
↡ Motrak Models ↠ Motrak Models 33
↡ MRC ↠ MRC 106
↡ MTB-model ↠ MTB-model 11
↡ Mudd Creek Models ↠ Mudd Creek Models 72
↡ Muir Models ↠ Muir Models 20
↡ N Hobby Distributing ↠ N Hobby Distributing 19
↡ N Scale Architect ↠ N Scale Architect 170
↡ N Scale Kits ↠ N Scale Kits 45
↡ N Scale of Nevada ↠ N Scale of Nevada 2
↡ N160 ↠ N160 10
↡ NCE ↠ NCE 9
↡ NH Model Works ↠ NH Model Works 2
↡ NJ International ↠ NJ International 131
↡ NKP Car Company ↠ NKP Car Company 9
↡ NME ↠ NME 3
↡ Noch ↠ Noch 277
↡ North American Railcar ↠ North American Railcar 680
↡ North Country Models ↠ North Country Models 1
↡ North Valley Trains ↠ North Valley Trains 1
↡ Northeast Decals ↠ Northeast Decals 12
↡ NorthEastern Scale Models ↠ NorthEastern Scale Models 36
↡ Northwest Short Line ↠ Northwest Short Line 1
↡ NuComp Miniatures ↠ NuComp Miniatures 4
↡ Oriental Limited ↠ Oriental Limited 7
↡ Osborn Models ↠ Osborn Models 119
↡ Otter Valley Trains ↠ Otter Valley Trains 104
↡ Overland Models ↠ Overland Models 55
↡ Oxford Diecast ↠ Oxford Diecast 480
↡ Pacific Western Rail Systems ↠ Pacific Western Rail Systems 92
↡ Peco ↠ Peco 312
↡ Pecos River Brass ↠ Pecos River Brass 28
↡ Period Miniatures ↠ Period Miniatures 11
↡ Perrine Model Train Works ↠ Perrine Model Train Works 6
↡ Phoenix Precision Models ↠ Phoenix Precision Models 26
↡ Pikestuff ↠ Pikestuff 20
↡ Piko ↠ Piko 242
↡ Piper Craftsman Kits ↠ Piper Craftsman Kits 27
↡ Plastruct ↠ Plastruct 11
↡ PMI ↠ PMI 6
↡ Pola ↠ Pola 46
↡ Port of Hollywood ↠ Port of Hollywood 6
↡ Prairie Shadows ↠ Prairie Shadows 236
↡ Pre-Database ↠ Pre-Database 1
↡ Precision Masters ↠ Precision Masters 251
↡ Preiser ↠ Preiser 236
↡ ProtoLoads ↠ ProtoLoads 4
↡ Quality Craft Models ↠ Quality Craft Models 14
↡ Rail Scale Models ↠ Rail Scale Models 44
↡ Rail Town ↠ Rail Town 7
↡ Railhead ↠ Railhead 3
↡ Railroad Line Models ↠ Railroad Line Models 3
↡ RailSmith ↠ RailSmith 192
↡ Rapido Trains ↠ Rapido Trains 1925
↡ Rapido Trains UK ↠ Rapido Trains UK 103
↡ Ratio ↠ Ratio 78
↡ Red Caboose ↠ Red Caboose 2681
↡ REE Modèles ↠ REE Modèles 9
↡ Revell ↠ Revell 37
↡ Revolution Trains ↠ Revolution Trains 4
↡ Rietze ↠ Rietze 1
↡ Rivarossi ↠ Rivarossi 68
↡ River Point ↠ River Point 17
↡ Rix Products ↠ Rix Products 22
↡ Rock Island Hobby ↠ Rock Island Hobby 23
↡ Rocky Mountain Models ↠ Rocky Mountain Models 1
↡ Rocky-Rail ↠ Rocky-Rail 27
↡ Roco ↠ Roco 133
↡ Roden ↠ Roden 1
↡ Rolland ↠ Rolland 8
↡ Roundhouse ↠ Roundhouse 1798
↡ Röwa ↠ Röwa 14
↡ RSLaserKits ↠ RSLaserKits 103
↡ S&R Special Edition Railroad Models ↠ S&R Special Edition Railroad Models 1
↡ S&R Special Edition Railroad Models ↠ S&R Special Edition Railroad Models 19
↡ Scale Railroad Models ↠ Scale Railroad Models 21
↡ ScaleSigns ↠ ScaleSigns 36
↡ ScaleTrains ↠ ScaleTrains 2029
↡ Sea Port Model Works ↠ Sea Port Model Works 13
↡ Showcase Miniatures ↠ Showcase Miniatures 257
↡ Silver City ↠ Silver City 7
↡ Skynet ↠ Skynet 3
↡ Smithsonian Collection ↠ Smithsonian Collection 2
↡ SoundTraxx ↠ SoundTraxx 8
↡ Squeak N Products ↠ Squeak N Products 56
↡ Startrain ↠ Startrain 3
↡ Stewart Products ↠ Stewart Products 33
↡ Summit Customcuts ↠ Summit Customcuts 10
↡ Sunrise Enterprises ↠ Sunrise Enterprises 37
↡ Sylvan Scale Models ↠ Sylvan Scale Models 32
↡ Tangent ↠ Tangent 190
↡ Tasma Products ↠ Tasma Products 9
↡ TCS ↠ TCS 40
↡ Tempo ↠ Tempo 10
↡ TGW (Tsugawa) ↠ TGW (Tsugawa) 6
↡ The Freight Yard ↠ The Freight Yard 2081
↡ The TrainMaster ↠ The TrainMaster 6
↡ Third Rail Graphics ↠ Third Rail Graphics 5
↡ Tichy Train Group ↠ Tichy Train Group 145
↡ Tillig ↠ Tillig 1
↡ Tires and Tracks ↠ Tires and Tracks 14
↡ Tomix ↠ Tomix 1464
↡ Tomytec ↠ Tomytec 538
↡ TopTrain ↠ TopTrain 3
↡ TrackSetta ↠ TrackSetta 9
↡ Trackside Treasures ↠ Trackside Treasures 22
↡ Train Cat ↠ Train Cat 70
↡ Trains by Randy Brown ↠ Trains by Randy Brown 31
↡ Trainworx ↠ Trainworx 3038
↡ TroveStar ↠ TroveStar 1
↡ True Line Trains ↠ True Line Trains 136
↡ Ultimate N Scale Products ↠ Ultimate N Scale Products 29
↡ Unknown ↠ Unknown 1
↡ V-Line ↠ V-Line 8
↡ Value Trains USA ↠ Value Trains USA 58
↡ Various ↠ Various 12
↡ Viessmann ↠ Viessmann 51
↡ Vollmer ↠ Vollmer 257
↡ Voltscooter ↠ Voltscooter 3
↡ Walthers ↠ Walthers 804
↡ Wheels of Time ↠ Wheels of Time 832
↡ White Ground Model Works ↠ White Ground Model Works 4
↡ Wiking ↠ Wiking 196
↡ Wild West Scale Model Builders ↠ Wild West Scale Model Builders 21
↡ Wiseman ↠ Wiseman 1
↡ Wit and Wisdom Models ↠ Wit and Wisdom Models 2
↡ Woodland Scenics ↠ Woodland Scenics 287
↡ Wrenn ↠ Wrenn 3
↡ Yesteryear Creations ↠ Yesteryear Creations 4
↡ YesterYear Models ↠ YesterYear Models 63
↡ Z-Stuff ↠ Z-Stuff 7