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Half Eagle

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US Coin - 1823 - Capped Bust Half Eagle - Philadelphia
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DenominationHalf Eagle
SeriesCapped Bust Half Eagle
MaterialGold 92
Common NameHalf Eagle
DenominationHalf Eagle
Diameter (mm)0.0

Designer: John Reich
History: The Capped Bust design was introduced by Chief Engraver of the Mint, William Kneass. It proved to be a popular design and lasted from 1807 to 1839 on the half dollar, 1809 to 1837 on the dime and half dime, and 1815 to 1838 on the quarter. There was also a gold design created by engraver Robert Scot created in 1795, also called the Capped Bust, although it is more popularly known as the 'Turban Head' because of its unusual, exotic appearance. The Turban design was used on the gold Quarter Eagle, Half Eagle, and Eagle from 1795 to 1834. On the Quarter and Half Eagles, the Turban design was replaced with the regular Capped Bust design in 1807, however the Eagle stayed with the original design until it was replaced with the 'Coronet' Liberty Head design in 1838, having stopped production of the Eagle in 1804.
Item created by: Lethe on 2015-05-31 17:46:30. Last edited by gdm on 2018-01-09 11:09:18

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