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Game - 216 - The Great Game

Strategy & Tactics - Game - 216 - The Great Game
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TitleThe Great Game
SubtitleAsia Crossroads
Has GameYes
PublisherDecision Games
Game NameAsia Crossroads
Page Count64
ContributorDavid Tschanz, John Brown, Jonas Goldstein
ArtistJoe Youst, Larry Hoffman
DesignerBrian Train, Joseph Miranda
Game TagsAsia
Strategy & Tactics - Game - 216 - The Great Game Copyright held by TroveStar

Description: Asia Crossroads is a wargame simulating the "Great Game," the conflict between the British and Russian Empires in the 19th century for control of Central Asia. Central Asia was the frontier between the expanding Russian Empire in Asia and the British Empire in India. Central Asia also controlled vital trade routes. At stake was the fate of all of Asia. Asia Crossroads is a two player game. The British player controls the forces of the British Empire and its client states. The Russian player controls the forces of the Russian Empire. Players must use a combination of military strength, economic expansion and cunning strategy to gain control of Central Asia. Also in the game are various "native" forces. They represent the neutral or client states (and tribes) of the region.

Asia Crossroads has several scenarios. Players choose which one they want to play, set it up according to its instructions, and begin play according to the sequence of pay.
  • The Red River Campaign by Jonas Goldstein
  • A Short History of Biological Warfare by David Tschanz
  • The Great Game: 19th Century Cold War by John Brown
  • Outgoing Mail
  • FYI
  • Feedback Questions
Notes: Units are brigades/groups of between 2,000 and 8,000 soldiers as well as divisions/hordes of 6,000 to 25,000 soldiers. Each turn represents five years. Each square is about 80 kilometers across. The rules system has no Zones of Control.
Item created by: Lethe on 2015-07-14 13:31:18. Last edited by gdm on 2018-11-27 09:55:11

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