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Otter Valley Trains - OVR-6403 - Gondola, 64 Foot, NSC 6400 cf - American Iron & Metal - 14023

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N Scale - Otter Valley Trains - OVR-6403 - Gondola, 64 Foot, NSC 6400 cf - American Iron & Metal - 14023
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Stock NumberOVR-6403
Original Retail PriceC$43.99
BrandOtter Valley Trains
ManufacturerOtter Valley Railroad
Body StyleNSC 64 FT 6400 CU High Side Gondola
Prototype VehicleGondola, 64 Foot, NSC 6400 cf (Details)
Road or Company NameAmerican Iron & Metal (Details)
Reporting MarksAIMX
Road or Reporting Number14023
Paint Color(s)Gray
Print Color(s)Black
Coupler TypeMT Magne-Matic Knuckle
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Release Date2025-01-01
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeGondola
Model Subtype64 Foot
Model VarietyHi-Side
Prototype RegionNorth America
Prototype EraNA Era V: Modern Diesel (1979 - Present)
Track GaugeN standard

Prototype History:
Designed to be tough, raw and rugged without compromising National Steel Car quality, our gondola cars are not shy when pushed to perform. (from NSC website).
Road Name History:
A global leader in the recovery and recycling of scrap metal, AIM Recycling is one of the most sophisticated metal recyclers in North America. At its over 90 sites worldwide, AIM Recycling collects, weighs, sorts, conditions and recycles scrap metals like iron, steel, copper, aluminum, stainless steel and many alloys.
Brand/Importer Information: Otter Valley Railroad is a large hobby shop in Tillisonburg, Ontario, Canada that sells their own brand of N Scale and HO Scale freight cars. . Location: 37 Tillson St. Unit E, Tillsonburg, Ontario
Manufacturer Information: Otter Valley Railroad is a large hobby shop in Ontario, Canada that carries it's own brand of N Scale and HO Scale freight cars. Location: 37 Tillson St. Unit E, Tillsonburg, Ontario
Item created by: nscalestation on 2025-02-08 10:41:07. Last edited by George on 2025-02-16 09:12:16

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