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Atlas - 50 007 025 - Container Car, Single Well, Gunderson Husky Stack 40 Rebuilt - TTX Company - 455315

N Scale - Atlas - 50 007 025 - Container Car, Single Well, Gunderson Husky Stack 40 Rebuilt - TTX Company - 455315 Image Courtesy of Atlas Model Railroad
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Stock Number50 007 025
Original Retail Price$33.95
Body StyleAtlas Container Car 40 Foot Well
Prototype VehicleContainer Car, Single Well, Gunderson Husky Stack 40 Rebuilt (Details)
Road or Company NameTTX Company (Details)
Reporting MarksTPEX
Road or Reporting Number455315
Paint Color(s)Yellow
Print Color(s)Black,White & Red
Coupler TypeAccuMate Magnetic Knuckle
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Announcement Date2024-11-22
Release Date2025-08-01
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeContainer Car
Model SubtypeWell
Model Variety40 Foot Rebuilt
Prototype RegionNorth America
Prototype EraNA Era V: Modern Diesel (1979 - Present)
Years Produced2000 -
Track GaugeN standard

Model Information: Die-cast body; Detailed brake lines; Detailed air reservoir; Separate hand grabs; Etched metal walks; Minimum radius: 12-1/2".
Prototype History:
Single unit wells, especially the Gunderson car , are referred to as Stand-Alone or "Huskies." They can carry heavier loads, like Tanktainers, since the trucks do not have to support two wells, as in an articulated well car. Since the 1990s, when international trade has increased, there is a higher demand for 40' well cars. Often, 53' and 48' well cars had been drafted into service to carry 40' containers which was a waste of space. So 8 feet was cut from the middle of the 48' cars, making the 40' rebuilt well car. TTX has produced many of these 'choipped' well cars.
Road Name History:
TTX Company (formerly Trailer Train until 1991) is a leading provider of railcars and related freight car management services to the North American rail industry. TTX's pool of railcars (over 220,000 cars and intermodal wells) is ideal for supporting shippers in the intermodal, automotive, paper & forest, metals, machinery, wind energy and other markets where flatcars, boxcars and gondolas are required.

Owned by North America's leading railroads, TTX's free-running pools provide fungible assets that minimize total empty miles, further lowering costs and minimizing risk for the industry, helping the railroads conserve their capital for other critical infrastructure needs. Customers easily recognize TTX's bright yellow cars as a consistent, high quality, well-maintained fleet that serves many transportation needs.
Brand/Importer Information:
In 1924 Stephan Schaffan, Sr. founded the Atlas Tool Company in Newark, New Jersey. In 1933 his son, Stephan Schaffan, Jr., came to work for his father at the age of sixteen. Steve Jr. built model airplanes as a hobby and frequented a local hobby shop. Being an enterprising young man, he would often ask the owner if there was anything he could do to earn some extra spending money. Tired of listening to his requests, the hobby-store owner threw some model railroad track parts his way and said, "Here, see if you can improve on this".

In those days, railroad modelers had to assemble and build everything from scratch. Steve Jr. created a "switch kit" which sold so well, that the entire family worked on them in the basement at night, while doing business as usual in the machine shop during the day.

Subsequently, Steve Jr. engineered the stapling of rail to fiber track, along with inventing the first practical rail joiner and pre-assembled turnouts and flexible track. All of these products, and more, helped to popularize model railroading and assisted in the creation of a mass-market hobby. The budding entrepreneur quickly outgrew the limitations of a basement and small garage operation. Realizing they could actually make a living selling track and related products, Steve and his father had the first factory built in Hillside, New Jersey at 413 Florence Avenue in 1947. On September 30, 1949, the Atlas Tool Company was officially incorporated as a New Jersey company.

In 1985, Steve was honored posthumously for his inventions by the Model Railroad Industry Association and was inducted into the Model Railroad Industry Hall of Fame in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition, Steve was nominated and entered into the National Model Railroad Association Pioneers of Model Railroading in 1995.

In the early 1990s, the Atlas Tool Company changed its name to Atlas Model Railroad Company, Inc.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2024-12-04 17:47:51. Last edited by CNW400 on 2024-12-04 17:48:18

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