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Rapido Trains - 516006 - Railcar, Diesel, Budd RDC - Canadian National

N Scale - Rapido Trains - 516006 - Railcar, Diesel, Budd RDC - Canadian National Image courtesy of Rapido Trains
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Production TypeAnnounced
Stock Number516006
Original Retail Price$142.45
BrandRapido Trains
ManufacturerRapido Trains
Body StyleRapido Rail Diesel Cars
Image Provider's WebsiteLink
Prototype VehicleRailcar, Diesel, Budd RDC (Details)
Road or Company NameCanadian National (Details)
Paint Color(s)Silver, w. Black and Red ends
Print Color(s)Black
Coupler TypeGeneric Magnetic Knuckle
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
DCC ReadinessReady
Release Date2024-03-15
Item CategoryPassenger Trains
Model TypeDiesel
Model SubtypeRailcar
Model VarietyBudd
Prototype RegionNorth America
Prototype EraEU Epoch II (1920 - 1945)
Years Produced1949-1962
Track GaugeN standard

Specific Item Information: N Budd RDC-1 (Ph 2) (DC/DCC/Sound): CN - Noodle
Model Information: Built by the Budd Company of Philadelphia in their hundreds between the late 1940s and early 1960s, the single-car RDC (Rail Diesel Car) fleet was ubiquitous on passenger service throughout Canada and the United States on any routes that could not justify loco-hauled operation. The 85ft long vehicles, which were powered by a pair of Detroit Diesel Series 110 engines, could be employed in single formation or coupled together with other examples - all controlled from the lead RDC cab.
DCC Information:
The Rapido N scale Budd RDC features:
  • Designed from original blueprints and field measurements
  • Accurate Phase 1 and Phase 2 body details
  • Both fabricated and cast trucks, as appropriate
  • Single-motor, all-wheel drive for unparalleled reliability
  • All-wheel electrical pickup
  • Directional headlights and red marker lights
  • Flicker-free interior lighting
  • Tinted windows and fully detailed interiors
  • DC/Silent (DCC Ready) or DC/DCC/Sound (ESU LokSound)
  • Factory-installed couplers mounted at the correct height
    Prototype History:
    This Single-car DMU is commonly known as the "RDC," the motorized Rail Diesel Car generally operated in rural areas where ridership and mail/parcel transport were too low for regular passenger train service. When first introduced, the RDC was also proclaimed to be the savior of branch line and suburban service. It was heavily used as a commuter service workhorse (and still is currently in some locations!).

    The Budd Company rolled out the first RDC in the fall of 1949, a single RDC-1 "Budd Demonstrator." Hundreds more would eventually follow for service to railroads throughout North America and around the world (including South America, Australia, Saudi Arabia and even Cuba!). Oddly enough, it was Budd's experience in the production of small yet powerful diesel engines for WWII tanks that eventually lead to the birth of the RDC.

    A total of 398 units were built. The RDC utilized two compact motors mounted under the car's floor to drive one axle on each truck. Capable of being operated by a motorman from either end of the car, these units could be used independently or combined to create a two- or three-unit consist. These railcars cold achieve as top speed of 85mph

    A review of the Budd roster reveals that many RDC cars were operated well into the 1970's and early 1980's, with a small number still in service today!

    Four standardized designs were created to reduce the time and expense of custom production
    - RDC-1 was strictly passenger-oriented, containing 90 coach seats.
    - RDC-2 contained 71 seats and a separate baggage area.
    - RDC-3 combined a Railway Post Office with a baggage compartment and 49 seats.
    - RDC-4 was a self-contained RPO-Express car.

    Read more on Wikipedia.
    Road Name History:
    The Canadian National Railway Company (reporting mark CN) is a Canadian Class I railway headquartered in Montreal, Quebec that serves Canada and the Midwestern and Southern United States. CN's slogan is "North America's Railroad". CN is a public company with 24,000 employees. It had a market capitalization of 32 billion CAD in 2011. CN was government-owned, having been a Canadian Crown corporation from its founding to its privatization in 1995. Bill Gates was, in 2011, the largest single shareholder of CN stock.

    CN is the largest railway in Canada, in terms of both revenue and the physical size of its rail network, and is currently Canada's only transcontinental railway company, spanning Canada from the Atlantic coast in Nova Scotia to the Pacific coast in British Columbia. Its range once reached across the island of Newfoundland until 1988, when the Newfoundland Railway was abandoned.

    Following CN's purchase of Illinois Central (IC) and a number of smaller US railways, it also has extensive trackage in the central United States along the Mississippi River valley from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Today, CN owns about 20,400 route miles (32,831 km) of track in 8 provinces (the only two not served by CN are Newfoundland & Labrador and Prince Edward Island), as well as a 70-mile (113 km) stretch of track (see Mackenzie Northern Railway) into the Northwest Territories to Hay River on the southern shore of Great Slave Lake; it is the northernmost rail line anywhere within the North American Rail Network, as far north as Anchorage, Alaska (although the Alaska Railroad goes further north than this, it is isolated from the rest of the rail network).

    The railway was referred to as the Canadian National Railways (CNR) between 1918 and 1960, and as Canadian National/Canadien National (CN) from 1960 to the present.

    Read more on Wikipedia.
    Brand/Importer Information:
    Rapido Trains Inc. is a high-end manufacturer of model trains and accessories in HO, OO and N (North American 1:160 and British 1:148) scales. The firm's mission is to recreate the entire rail travel experience, from fully-detailed interiors and under-frames on models to fully-wired telephone poles for model railroads.

    The name RAPIDO was introduced by Canadian National in 1965 to headline the railway's high-speed intercity passenger services. Until the mid-1980s, RAPIDO stood for fast schedules, frequent trains, and superb service.

    Today, Rapido Trains continues the RAPIDO concept with state-of-the-art models and attention to fine detail. This company is not related to the venerable (and now defunct) German manufacturer Arnold Rapido, nor the present-day Arnold (which is owned by the United Kingdom's Hornby), Canadian based Rapido Trains was founded in 2003.
    Item created by: Powderman on 2024-01-10 11:31:56. Last edited by Powderman on 2024-01-10 13:08:20

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