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Hobbytrain - H23879 - Flatcar, Remms, Stakes, Epoch IV - Deutsche Bahn - 2-Pack

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N Scale - Hobbytrain - H23879 - Flatcar, Remms, Stakes, Epoch IV - Deutsche Bahn - 2-Pack Image Courtesy of Hobbytrain
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Stock NumberH23879
Original Retail Price59.90€
Body StyleHobbytrain Flatcar Remms
PrototypeFlatcar, Remms, Stakes, Epoch IV
Road or Company NameDeutsche Bahn (Details)
Reporting MarksDB
Road or Reporting Number2-Pack
Paint Color(s)Black & White
Print Color(s)White
Coupler TypeRapido Hook NEM Standard Pocket
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeNickel-Silver Plated Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Multipack Count2
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeFlatcar
Model SubtypeRemms 665
Model VarietyStakes
EAN/JAN/GTIN13 Number4250528615859

Road Name History:
Deutsche Bahn AG (abbreviated as DB, DB AG or DBAG) is a German railway company. Headquartered in Berlin, it is a private joint-stock company (AG), with the Federal Republic of Germany being its single shareholder. Deutsche Bahn describes itself as the second-largest transport company in the world, after the German postal and logistics company Deutsche Post / DHL, and is the largest railway operator and infrastructure owner in Europe. It carries about two billion passengers each year.

Deutsche Bahn (literally "German Railway" in German) came into existence in 1994 as the successor to the former state railways of Germany, the Deutsche Bundesbahn ("German Federal Railway") of West Germany and the Deutsche Reichsbahn ("German Empire Railway") of East Germany. It also gained ownership of former railway assets in West Berlin held by the Verwaltung des ehemaligen Reichsbahnvermögens (Administration of the Former Reichsbahn Assets).
Brand/Importer Information:
Hobbytrain was an Austrian firm, that was acquired by Wolfgang Lemke GmbH in 2002. It produces HO and N scale models.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2023-05-11 10:29:10

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