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NCE - N12K0A - Digital Decoder - Kato Precision Railroad Models - Kato E8 and PA1

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N Scale - NCE - N12K0A - Digital Decoder - Kato Precision Railroad Models - Kato E8 and PA1 Image Courtesy of NCE
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Stock NumberN12K0A
Body StyleNCE Drop-In Decoder
PrototypeDigital Decoder
Road or Company NameKato Precision Railroad Models (Details)
Reporting MarksDrop-In Decoder
Road or Reporting NumberKato E8 and PA1
Item CategoryAccessories
Model TypeElectrical
Model SubtypeDecoder
Model VarietyDCC

Specific Item Information: Dimensions: 2.65 x 0.370 x .120 inches. Plug and play decoder for Kato N-Scale E8, PA1, etc.
Road Name History:
KATO U.S.A. was established in 1986, with the first U.S. locomotive model (the GP38-2, in N-Scale) released in 1987. Since that time, KATO has come to be known as one of the leading manufacturers of precision railroad products for the modeling community. KATO's parent company, Sekisui Kinzoku Co., Ltd., is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.
Brand/Importer Information:
NCE is a manufacturer of DCC electronics for Model Railroading
Item created by: gdm on 2023-03-15 09:00:42

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