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Columbus Trainmaster - 72080N - Accessories, Load, Centerbeam,Wrapped - Painted/Lettered - Saguenay Forest Products

N Scale - Columbus Trainmaster - 72080N - Accessories, Load, Centerbeam,Wrapped - Painted/Lettered - Saguenay Forest Products Image Courtesy of Columbus Trainmaster
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Stock Number72080N
Original Retail Price$9.00
BrandColumbus Trainmaster
ManufacturerColumbus Trainmaster
Body StyleColumbus Trainmaster Load
PrototypeAccessories, Load, Centerbeam,Wrapped
Road or Company NamePainted/Lettered (Details)
Reporting MarksWrapped Centerbeam Load
Road or Reporting NumberSaguenay Forest Products
Release Date2018-06-01
Item CategoryAccessories
Model TypeLoads
Model SubtypeCenterbeam
Model VarietyWrapped

Road Name History:
Some items are designed to have their owner add whatever company marking they choose, usually in the form of decals or dry-transfers. These items are painted in a generic prototypical fashion but with all company affiliation deliberately left off.
These items can be lettered or numbered, but without any company name on it.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2023-03-01 12:18:32

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