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The Freight Yard - 9608A - Trailer, 45 Foot, Pines - Cole Bros. Circus - 975

N Scale - The Freight Yard - 9608A - Trailer, 45 Foot, Pines - Cole Bros. Circus - 975 Showing both sides.
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Stock Number9608A
BrandThe Freight Yard
Body StyleAtlas Vehicle Trailer 45 Foot Pines
Prototype VehicleTrailer, 45 Foot, Pines (Details)
Road or Company NameCole Bros. Circus (Details)
Road or Reporting Number975
Paint Color(s)Red
Print Color(s)White
Additional Markings/SloganBringing Generations Together
Series NamePremiere Editions
Release Date1996-03-01
Item CategoryVehicles
Model TypeTrailer
Model Subtype45 Foot Pines
Model VarietySemi Box Van
Prototype RegionNorth America
Prototype EraNA Era IV: 2nd Gen Diesel (1958 - 1978)

Model Information: Pines 45 Foot Semi Box Trailer.
Prototype History:
Pines Trailer produced a variety of semi box trailers. During the 1960s the 45 foot dry model was quite popular and many are still in service today.
Road Name History:
The Cole Bros. Circus was a medium-sized American circus. It was founded in 1884 as "W.W. Cole’s New Colossal Shows", by William Washington Cole. In the 1930s, the circus employed two noted animal trainers, Clyde Beatty and Allen King, both of whom traveled in their own railroad cars. Another well-known performer with the circus was Bob Strehlau Juggles the Clown.
Brand/Importer Information:
The Freight Yard was a hobby shop that did custom decoration and special runs of other manufacturers' N Scale products. It sold its custom products under several brands or collections: Premiere Editions, by The Freight Yard and Dreams Design.
It was located in Anaheim, California and then moved to 2006 in Phoenix, Arizona.
Established in the late 1980s, it stopped business under this name by the end of the 2000s.
The Freight Yard was owned and operated by Darren J. Cohen. Darren is now operating North Valley Trains.
The Freight Yard / Premiere Editions runs are usually available in series of two to twelve different numbers (suffixed A to M, with I not used).
The first two digits of the stock number correspond to the release year (9x being 199x, and 2x being 200x).
Item created by: Alain LM on 2022-04-19 07:40:58. Last edited by Alain LM on 2022-04-19 07:43:43

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