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Faller - 272573 - Scenery, Town, Decorations - Scenery

2 of these are for sale right now on marketplaces, with a low price of: $79.99$79.99 (2)2 of these are for sale right now on marketplaces, with a low price of: $79.99
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N Scale - Faller - 272573 - Scenery, Town, Decorations - Scenery Image Courtesy of Faller
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Stock Number272573
Original Retail Price21.79€
Body StyleFaller Detail Parts
PrototypeScenery, Town, Decorations
Road or Company NameScenery (Details)
Reporting MarksTown Decoration Pack
Kit ComplexityModerate Skills
Kit Material(s)Injection Molded Plastic
Item CategoryScenery
Model TypeScenery
Model SubtypeTown, Village
Model VarietyDecoration

Specific Item Information: Telephone booths, advertising pillars, letterboxes, hoardings, clocks, flower pots, flags, bus shelters, benches. 67 pieces. Ideal for the realistic creation of towns and villages.
Model Information: Polystyrene structure kits. Unpainted, but relatively easy to assemble.
Road Name History:
Bring your railroad to life with lush greenery, fall colors, or glistening snow, and add trees, water, crops, shrubs, and more for a vibrant and realistic layout.
Brand/Importer Information:
Faller is a German toy company founded in Stuttgart in 1946 by brothers Edwin and Hermann Faller. The company later relocated to the brothers' home town of Gütenbach in the Black Forest.

Faller now specializes in making scenery, plastic model kits and other accessories for model railroads but has manufactured a range of toys during its history, such as model aeroplane kits, the Auto Motor Sport (AMS) slot car racing sets and die-cast model cars. Their modern product line includes railway structures, houses and commercial buildings, bridges, amusement rides and terrain accessories in H0, N, TT and Z scales, as well as the Car System. Since 1997 Faller also owns the Pola brand, which is now solely devoted to G scale structures.

Faller's older toys and models can be highly collectable today, together with their early product catalogues.

From Wikipedia
Item created by: CNW400 on 2022-03-31 12:02:15. Last edited by CNW400 on 2022-03-31 12:02:16

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