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Rokuhan - T019-3 - Locomotive, Steam, C11 - Japanese National Railways - 165

Z Scale - Rokuhan - T019-3 - Locomotive, Steam, C11 - Japanese National Railways - 165 Image Courtesy of Rokuhan
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Stock NumberT019-3
Original Retail Price14,080¥
Body StyleRokuhan Steam Engine C11
PrototypeLocomotive, Steam, C11
Road or Company NameJapanese National Railways (Details)
Reporting MarksJNR
Road or Reporting Number165
Paint Color(s)Black
Print Color(s)Gold
Paint SchemeSpecial Smoke Deflectors "Montetsu"
Coupler TypeRokuhan
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeNickel
Release Date2015-08-01
Item CategoryLocomotive
Model TypeLocomotive
Model SubtypeSteam
Model VarietyC11
EAN/JAN/GTIN13 Number4571324592855

Specific Item Information: Japanese steam locomotive - C11 Steam locomotive number 165 was manufactured in 1940.
Road Name History:
Japanese National Railways (日本国有鉄道 Nihon Kokuyū Tetsudō), abbreviated Kokutetsu (国鉄) or "JNR", was the business entity that operated Japan's national railway network from 1949 to 1987.
By 1987, JNR's debt was over ¥27 trillion ($280 billion at 2009 exchange rates) and the company was spending ¥147 for every ¥100 earned. By an act of the Diet of Japan, on April 1, 1987 JNR was privatized and divided into seven railway companies, six passenger and one freight, collectively called the Japan Railways Group or JR Group.

From Wikipedia
Brand/Importer Information:
Toytec Corporation is located at 7-27 Numawada, Tochigi City, Tochigi, 328-0042, Japan. Manufacturing and sales of model railroad items in Z scale. They were founded on April 17, 1992
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-12-01 18:04:19

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