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Bowser - 38140 - Covered Hopper, 3-Bay, Cylindrical - Food Machinery Corporation - 60546

N Scale - Bowser - 38140 - Covered Hopper, 3-Bay, Cylindrical - Food Machinery Corporation - 60546 Image Courtesy of Bowser Trains
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Stock Number38140
Original Retail Price$27.95
Body StyleDelaware Valley Covered Hopper 3-Bay Cylindrical
Image Provider's WebsiteLink
Prototype VehicleCovered Hopper, 3-Bay, Cylindrical (Details)
Road or Company NameFood Machinery Corporation (Details)
Reporting MarksSHPX
Road or Reporting Number60546
Paint Color(s)Beige
Print Color(s)Black
Coupler TypeGeneric Magnetic Knuckle
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Announcement Date2021-08-14
Release Date2022-08-01
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeCovered Hopper
Model Subtype3-Bay
Model VarietyACF Cylindrical
Prototype RegionNorth America
Prototype EraNA Era IV: 2nd Gen Diesel (1958 - 1978)

Model Information: This model was developed by Delaware Valley Freight Car Corporation. The tooling was purchased by Bowser in 1998 and has been re-released several times since it was acquired. The body style has also been sold by Eastern Seaboard Models under the ESM branding. The model is available in both 3-Bay and 6-Bay variations.
Prototype History:
ACF introduced their roundish cylindrical hoppers in the early 1960s. The cars differed greatly from the ribbed sided hoppers of the era. They have been made in 3-bay and 6-bay variations. These cylindrical hoppers were superseded on ACF’s production line by the Centerflow in 1964, a revolutionary design that influenced later covered hopper types. In the late 60s or early 70s Canada came out with 4-bay covered hoppers that appear to be derived from ACF’s pre-Centerflow cylindrical hoppers. These cars were used by CN, CP and various smaller Canadian shippers. There is some question as to why the Canadian builder based their design off the older cylindrical and not ACF’s newer Centerflow. It was likely a patent issue and copying it could have triggered legal action against the Canadian builders. There are also certain structural design differences between the cylindrical and centerflow cars and perhaps the decision to copy the cylindrical was based on the greater volume capacity of the cylindrical design.
Road Name History:
FMC Corporation is an American chemical manufacturing company headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The company was originally founded by chemist John Bean in 1883 as the Bean Spray Pump Company in Los Gatos, California, producing piston pumps for insecticides. In 1928, Bean Spray Pump purchased two companies: the Anderson-Barngrover Co. and Sprague-Sells Co. At this time the company changed its name to Food Machinery Corporation, and began using the initials FMC.

In 1941 the company FMC received a contract to design and build amphibious landing vehicles tracked vehicles for the United States War Department, and afterwards the company continued to diversify its products, including an extensive line of rail cars. The rail car production really kicked into high gear during the 1970s when FMC produced many models to take advantage of the Per Diem rules. Between 1965 and 1985 FMC was the owner of the Gunderson metal works in Springfield, Oregon, during that period it was known as the "Marine and Rail Equipment Division of FMC" (MRED), it was sold in 1985 to The Greenbrier Companies.
FMC employs 7,000 people worldwide, and had gross revenues of US$2.8 billion in 2017

From Wikipedia
Brand/Importer Information:
On May 1, 1961, Bowser was purchased by Lewis and Shirlee English and moved from Redlands, CA to their basement in Muncy, PA. The original Bowser Manufacturing Co first advertised in the model railroad magazines in November 1948. At that time, the company had only one (HO Scale) engine, the Mountain, which had a cast brass boiler that is no longer available. It was sometime later that Bowser (Redlands) developed the NYC K-11 and the UP Challenger. The molds were made by K. Wenzlaff who introduced himself at the MRIA Show in Pasadena, CA in 1985 These two locomotives are still current production.

Bowser entered into N Scale in 1998 with their acquisition of the Delaware Valley Car Company, a manufacturer of N scale freight cars.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-08-30 10:44:12

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