Specific Item Information: All products are printed in White Plastic created from a fine polyamide powder, more commonly known as nylon. Using a process called Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), the final material is both solid and flexible.
Road Name History: Commercial structures are any buildings or other man-made structures whose principal purpose is trade. These can be high-rise officer towers, gas stations or fruit stands. Any structure where end-user customers come to buy things from sellers of that product or service are consider commercial structures.
This group will therefore include quite large as well as quite small buildings. Models of these buildings might be kits or pre-assembled. They might be painted or undecorated. They might come with a host of accessories and figures or they might be fairly Spartan.
This group will therefore include quite large as well as quite small buildings. Models of these buildings might be kits or pre-assembled. They might be painted or undecorated. They might come with a host of accessories and figures or they might be fairly Spartan.
Brand/Importer Information: Like any great idea, ours came from of a personal desire for a realistic, N-Scale frontier layout. Old West Scenery answers that need with more than 60 complete N-scale ready buildups and scenery items. These structures are created with such amazing detail, you’ll feel like you have been transported back in time!
Our laser printed buildings & scenery products draw inspiration from iconic western towns, like Deadwood, Yuma, Dodge City, and Tombstone. Rustic frontier towns such as these tamed the unforgiving territories, alongside the mighty railroads that made their way across the American Frontier. All our N-Scale products are 3D printed using the latest laser technology in a process called “Additive Manufacturing”. This process allows us to produce complete buildings, ready to be painted and placed on your layout. No more glue or tape. No more finagling with small parts. And best of all, no more frustration and disappointment when your DIY kit just doesn’t turn out quite the way you hoped!
Our laser printed buildings & scenery products draw inspiration from iconic western towns, like Deadwood, Yuma, Dodge City, and Tombstone. Rustic frontier towns such as these tamed the unforgiving territories, alongside the mighty railroads that made their way across the American Frontier. All our N-Scale products are 3D printed using the latest laser technology in a process called “Additive Manufacturing”. This process allows us to produce complete buildings, ready to be painted and placed on your layout. No more glue or tape. No more finagling with small parts. And best of all, no more frustration and disappointment when your DIY kit just doesn’t turn out quite the way you hoped!
Item created by: CNW400 on 2020-08-16 00:02:52. Last edited by CNW400 on 2020-08-16 00:03:05
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If you see errors or missing data in this entry, please feel free to log in and edit it. Anyone with a Gmail account can log in instantly.