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Oxford Diecast - NRM012 - Bus, AEC, Routemaster - Company - EDS 288A

N Scale - Oxford Diecast - NRM012 - Bus, AEC, Routemaster - Company - EDS 288A
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Stock NumberNRM012
Original Retail Price£6.95
BrandOxford Diecast
ManufacturerOxford Diecast
Body StyleOxford Diecast Bus AEC Routemaster
Image Provider's WebsiteLink
Prototype VehicleBus, AEC, Routemaster (Details)
Road or Company NameCompany (Details)
Reporting MarksKelvin Scottish
Road or Reporting NumberEDS 288A
Paint Color(s)Blue & Yellow
Print Color(s)Black, Gold & White
Release Date2011-07-01
Item CategoryVehicles
Model TypeBus
Model SubtypeAEC
Model VarietyRoutemaster
Prototype RegionEurope
Prototype EraUK Era 5: BR Late crest (1957-1966)
Years Produced1954-1968

Road Name History:
This entry is a placeholder for when readily available information on the correct company is not available. or not worth the effort of creating an entry for.

Manufacturer Information:
Established in 1993, Oxford Diecast is a British Company that specializes in high-quality die-cast metal vehicles. Produced in various scales, the firm's models are marketed as collector items, gifts, and promotional products. Their largest production goes to OO scale (1:76) and in 2015 they introduced railway products under 'Oxford Rail' brand.
Their N-scale collection is using the 1:148 scale ratio as most British manufacturers.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2020-04-11 14:37:17. Last edited by Lethe on 2020-05-07 00:00:00

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