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Fleischmann - 814472 - Passenger Car, UIC, Type Z - SNCB/NMBS (Belgian National Railway) - 61 88 21-70 640-4

N Scale - Fleischmann - 814472 - Passenger Car, UIC, Type Z - SNCB/NMBS (Belgian National Railway) - 61 88 21-70 640-4 Image Courtesy of Fleischmann (Modelleisenbahn München GmbH)
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Stock Number814472
Original Retail Price36.90€
Body StyleFleischmann Passenger UIC-Z
Prototype VehiclePassenger Car, UIC, Type Z (Details)
Road or Company NameSNCB/NMBS (Belgian National Railway) (Details)
Road or Reporting Number61 88 21-70 640-4
Paint Color(s)Blue and White
Print Color(s)White
Coupler TypeRapido Hook NEM Standard Pocket
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Release Date2017-01-01
Item CategoryPassenger Cars
Model TypeEuropean
Model SubtypeUIC-Z (Eurofima)
Model Variety2nd class Coach (B)
Prototype RegionEurope
Prototype EraEU Epoch IV (1968 - 1985)
Years Produced1973-1981
EAN/JAN/GTIN13 Number4005575187732

Model Information: This generic body style comprises 1st class (A), 2nd class (B), mixed 1st/2nd class (AB) or restaurant (WR) cars of type UIC-Z, used by several continental European railroads. Covers Epoch IV to present.
Can be equipped with internal lighting ref. 946901
Prototype History:
The UIC (Union International des Chemins de fer) type Z or Eurofima coach (French: Voiture Standard Européenne (VSE) - European Standard Coach ) is a type of passenger car designed for use on international railway routes in Europe. It was commissioned by the EUROFIMA , short for Europäischen Gesellschaft zur Finanzierung von Eisenbahnmaterial (European Company for the Financing of Railroad Rolling Stock).
EUROFIMA is a supranational organization located in Basel, Switzerland. It was established in 1956 based on an international treaty signed by 25 European sovereign States so far. It fulfils a non-profit maximizing mission to support the development of rail transportation in Europe.

More than 500 Eurofima coaches have been built by various manufacturers, for the following original acquirers:
  • Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB): 25 Amoz and 75 Bmoz;
  • Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB): 100 Avmz 207 first class;
  • Ferrovie dello Stato (FS): 30 Az and 70 Bz;
  • French National Railway Corporation (SNCF): 100 A9u;
  • National Railway Company of Belgium (NMBS-SNCB): 20 A9 and 60 B11;
  • Swiss Federal Railways (SBB-CFF-FFS): 20 Am 61 85 19-90.
With a standard length of 26.4 m (86' 7-3/8"), they are qualified for 160 km/h or 200 km/h depending on the bogie arrangement. First class coaches are of type A, and Second class of type B. The cars were painted in Eurofima-C1 livery (orange with light gray stripe), except for the DB and the large majority of the SNCF, the latter being painted with the Corail livery.

SNCF sold part of its Eurofima cars to Morocco ONCF and ÖBB to Czech ČD.
In the 1990's and 2000's, new cars based on the UIC-Z specification were built for Poland (PKP), Hungary (MÁV), Romania (CFR) and Czech Republic (ČD).

From Wikipedia (in German)
Road Name History:
SNCB/NMBS (French: Société nationale des chemins de fer belges, Dutch: Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen, German: Nationale Gesellschaft der Belgischen Eisenbahnen) is the national railway company of Belgium. The company formally styles itself using the Dutch and French abbreviations NMBS/SNCB, however it is commonly referred to in English and internationally using just the French abbreviation SNCB.
NMBS/SNCB is an autonomous government company, formed in 1926 as successor to the Belgian State Railways. In 2005, the company was split up into three parts: Infrabel, which manages the railway infrastructure, network operations and network access, the public railway operator NMBS/SNCB itself to manage the freight (B-Cargo) and passenger services, and NMBS/SNCB-Holding, which owns both public companies and supervises the collaboration between them. NMBS/SNCB-Holding was merged into SNCB in 2014 in order to simplify the structure of the Belgian railways.
Brand/Importer Information:
As a high-quality company we set the standard when it comes to prototype fidelity and functionality. Our aim is to enthrall novices and experts alike and to be the enduring long-term partner for a fascinating hobby that spans all generations. We achieve this with the true-to-detail design and the reliability of our models and with innovations that offer a new dimension in the play value and fun factor. The high commitment to quality that has characterised Fleischmann for more than 125 years has ensured our company?s position as an internationally leading brand for model railways.

Small-scale greatness. Its comprehensive range in the N scale makes Fleischmann the international market leader in this sector. There are over 350 highly detailed models to choose from in the space-saving 9-mm gauge. Continuous and targeted extension of the range will allow Fleischmann to expand its competitive edge in the future.
Item created by: mbierbauer on 2019-04-19 00:32:24. Last edited by CNW400 on 2020-07-22 10:52:16

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