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BLMA - 15742 - Reefer, 64 Foot, Trinity - Tropicana - 3271

N Scale - BLMA - 15742 - Reefer, 64 Foot, Trinity - Tropicana - 3271 Authorized use by TroveStar from copyright owner.
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Stock Number15742
Original Retail Price28.95
Body StyleBLMA Reefer, 64 Foot, Trinity
Image Provider's WebsiteLink
PrototypeReefer, 64 Foot, Trinity
Road or Company NameTropicana (Details)
Reporting MarksTPIX
Road or Reporting Number3271
Paint Color(s)White with Orange and Green
Coupler TypeMT Magne-Matic Knuckle
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Release Date2016-06-01
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeReefer
Model Subtype64 Foot
Model VarietyTrinity
Track GaugeN standard

Model Information: BLMA first introduced this model in July, 2010 announcement with a 2011 release date. They followed it up with releases in 2011, 2014 and 2016. It features: Fine-Scale Detail, Accurately Painted/Printed, Prototypical Ride Height, BLMA 100-Ton Trucks, BLMA Fine-Scale 36" Metal Wheels, Body-Mounted Micro-Trains Couplers. Of particular interest is the detail of the refrigeration unit at one end as well as the accurate, high-quality printing, especially around the door. Atlas acquired this tooling along with all the other BLMA models in their 2016 acquisition of BLMA.
Road Name History:
Tropicana Products, Inc. is an American multinational company which primarily makes fruit-based beverages. It was founded in 1947 by Anthony T. Rossi in Bradenton, Florida. Since 1998, it has been owned by PepsiCo. Tropicana's headquarters are in Chicago, Illinois. The company specializes in the production of orange juice.

The Tropicana story begins with Anthony T. Rossi, who arrived in the U.S. with just $25 in his pocket. He founded Tropicana in 1947 with the mission of making the goodness of the finest fruit accessible to everyone. He developed flash pasteurization and pioneered orange juice transport in 1970 via train from Florida to New York. As Tropicana continues to grow, we have Anthony Rossi to thank for creating the spirit of innovation and fresh thinking that continues at Tropicana today.

From Wikipedia
Brand/Importer Information:
BLMA Models was founded in July of 2000 to bring Z, N, and HO Scale products of superior quality and originality to the model train community. At BLMA Models, we understand that quality and accuracy count in producing realistic scale models. Our passion revolves around accuracy, diversity, innovation and satisfaction to prototype model railroaders by providing exceptional products and service that goes beyond your expectations.

BLMA was acquired by Atlas Model Railroad in January of 2016.
Item created by: gdm on 2016-06-27 12:00:53. Last edited by gdm on 2016-06-27 15:00:53

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