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TIE Interceptor

X-Wing Miniatures - TIE Interceptor
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Item NameTIE Interceptor
Box SetTIE Interceptor
Item TypeModel
Associated ShipTIE Interceptor
Year Released2,012
ExpansionWave 2


The TIE/IN starfighter, or TIE Interceptor, was a TIE Series starfighter used by the Galactic Empire. The TIE Interceptor was identifiable by its arrow-shaped solar collection panels, a distinct difference from the hexagonal solar arrays of its predecessor, the TIE Fighter. The Interceptor was one of the fastest starfighters in the galaxy at its prime, nearly rivaling the Alliance's RZ-1 A-wing interceptor.

Due to their speed, distinct shape, and narrow profile in comparison to the TIE/ln starfighter (which was nicknamed "eyeball"), TIE Interceptors came to be referred to occasionally as "squints" by enemy pilots.

Like most TIE models, the TIE Interceptor shared nearly identical cockpits, drive pods, and wing brace designs with the TIE Fighter. The solar collector panels were lengthened and angled, and the forward center section was removed. This new solar array design gave the Interceptor its unmistakable dagger-like appearance, while providing the pilot with increased visibility and shrinking its profile to make targeting more frustrating for enemy gunners. This wing design gave the craft a more menacing visage, continuing the Empire's reputation of ruling through fear.

The original production model came equipped with four L-s9.3 laser cannons, one installed on each wingtip. New targeting software was installed in the TIE Interceptor, and the SFS T-s9a targeting computer offered greater accuracy during complex flight maneuvers. Twin laser cannon hardpoints still remained on the "chin" portion of the cockpit module. Provided that technicians could find room for additional power generators, these cannons could also be utilized. The Interceptors were also capable of supporting concussion warheads. Further upgrades, including hyperdrives, proton torpedo launchers, and advanced shielding made them equal to the Rebellion's X-wing starfighters. Their weapons were equipped with safeties.

Later TIE Interceptor models were modified to carry four blaster cannons, replacing the original wingtip laser cannons, along with twin chin-mounted laser cannons. However, the older model remained a common sight in Imperial fleets for years to come.

Item created by: Lethe on 2015-05-31 17:46:30. Last edited by gdm on 2018-01-09 11:20:24

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