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Noch - 44503 - Figures, People, Hunters/Lumberjacks - People

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Z Scale - Noch - 44503 - Figures, People, Hunters/Lumberjacks - People Image Courtesy of Noch
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Stock Number44503
Original Retail Price12.99€
Body StyleNoch Figure Sets
PrototypeFigures, People, Hunters/Lumberjacks
Road or Company NamePeople (Details)
Reporting MarksHunters and Lumberjacks
Release Date2024-10-01
Item CategoryFigures
Model TypeFigures
Model SubtypePeople
Model VarietyHunters, Lumberjacks

Specific Item Information: Our NOCH 3D Master figure set contains six model figures and a hunting dog. Four figures are working on and felling trees. Two of these figures are equipped with an axe, the other two with a saw. The set also includes two hunters in typical green hunting attire and a white and black dog. One of the two hunters is armed with a rifle.
Road Name History:
What would any model railroad layout be without people? The conductors, engineers, passengers, passers-by and all the many things that people do in their daily lives are what make a model railroad come alive.

Model railroad figures are typically made from molded plastic, but are also available made from resin, pewter and even 3D-printing. They can come in either painted or undecorated form and are available in a wide variety of activities. Not just passengers and crew, but more obscure types of figures are available such as bee-keepers, skaters, sunbathers and fire-fighters.

Item created by: CNW400 on 2024-04-11 16:15:08. Last edited by CNW400 on 2024-04-11 16:15:09

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