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Luetke - 73 222 - Structure, Commercial, Circus Wagon - Circus

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Z Scale - Luetke - 73 222 - Structure, Commercial, Circus Wagon - Circus Image Courtesy of Luetke
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Stock Number73 222
Original Retail Price21.65€
Body StyleLuetke Structure Kits
PrototypeStructure, Commercial, Circus Wagon
Road or Company NameCircus (Details)
Reporting MarksCircus Wagon Set #3
Multipack Count4
Kit ComplexityModerate
Kit Material(s)Wood Laser Cut
Item CategoryStructure
Model TypeTrailer
Model SubtypeCommercial
Model VarietyCircus Wagon

Specific Item Information: A long and a short cage wagon and a long and a short caravan e.g. B. to design a wagon train for a circus. 3-colored kit made of lasered birch plywood and colored polystyrene panels, precisely CNC milled, including transparent panes and various accessories.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2022-05-02 11:06:03

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