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Rokuhan - T030-3 - Locomotive, Electric, Series 485 - Japan Railways Kyushu - 6-Pack

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Z Scale - Rokuhan - T030-3 - Locomotive, Electric, Series 485 - Japan Railways Kyushu - 6-Pack Image Courtesy of Rokuhan
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Stock NumberT030-3
Original Retail Price28,380¥
Body StyleRokuhan Electric Prototype
PrototypeLocomotive, Electric, Series 485
Road or Company NameJapan Railways Kyushu (Details)
Reporting MarksJNR Series 485 Nichirin Red Express
Road or Reporting Number6-Pack
Paint Color(s)Red with Black Roof
Print Color(s)White
Coupler TypeRokuhan
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeNickel
Multipack Count6
Multipack ID NumberT030-3
Release Date2021-05-01
Item CategoryLocomotive
Model TypePassenger
Model SubtypeElectric
Model VarietySeries 485
EAN/JAN/GTIN13 Number4571324594859

Specific Item Information: 485 type cars were debuted on Oct.1968 by J.N.R. JR KYUSYU made repaint 485 Type by red color. Then this is called "RED EXPRESS" . The "Nichirin(日輪 / にちりん)" is an old Japanese word for the sun. The name "Nichirin" is still used today as the name of an express train operating in the Kyushu region.

- A motor car is included. - To light the Room inside, A030 (front/tail car) and A009 (Middle cars)(sold separately) are applicable. - Minimum radius to run is R95. "NICHIRIN" is permitted by Kyushu Japan Railway Company.
Road Name History:
The Kyushu Railway Company (九州旅客鉄道株式会社 Kyūshū Ryokaku Tetsudō Kabushiki-gaisha), also referred to as JR Kyushu (JR九州 Jeiāru Kyūshū), is one of the constituent companies of Japan Railways Group (JR Group). It operates intercity rail services in Kyushu, Japan and the JR Kyushu Jet Ferry Beetle hydrofoil service across the Tsushima Strait between Fukuoka and Busan, South Korea. It also operates hotels, restaurants, and drugstores across its service region. JR Kyushu's headquarters are in Hakata-ku, Fukuoka.

JR Kyushu was found on April 1, 1987, when Japanese National Railways was divided. Kyushu Railway Company inherited JNR's assets and operations on the island of Kyushu. The new company also inherited losses of around 28.8 billion yen, exacerbated by a growing highway network in Kyushu and a large number of lightly-used rural lines. After privatization, JR Kyushu diversified its business into new ventures such as fish and mushroom farming and car sales. Two of its more successful side ventures were the Beetle ferry, started in 1991, and the Trandor bakery chain, started in 1992. JR Kyushu also built up its premium rail services through the development of the Kyushu Shinkansen high-speed rail line and the Seven Stars in Kyushu luxury excursion train.

From Wikipedia
Brand/Importer Information:
Toytec Corporation is located at 7-27 Numawada, Tochigi City, Tochigi, 328-0042, Japan. Manufacturing and sales of model railroad items in Z scale. They were founded on April 17, 1992
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-12-06 09:57:38. Last edited by CNW400 on 2021-12-06 09:57:39

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