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Rokuhan - ST003-1 - Locomotive, Electric, EF66 - Japan Railways West

Z Scale - Rokuhan - ST003-1 - Locomotive, Electric, EF66 - Japan Railways West Image Courtesy of Rokuhan
Dummy Chassis
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Stock NumberST003-1
Original Retail Price1,078¥
Body StyleRokuhan Shorty Series
PrototypeLocomotive, Electric, EF66
Road or Company NameJapan Railways West (Details)
Reporting MarksEF66 Electric Shorty
Paint Color(s)Blue with White Stripes
Release Date2018-02-01
Item CategoryLocomotive
Model TypeElectric
Model SubtypeEF66
Model VarietyShorty
EAN/JAN/GTIN13 Number4571324594637

Specific Item Information: EF66 Electric Engine of Z-Shorty series.. The set of a car and a dummy chassis
Road Name History:
JR-West was incorporated as a business corporation (kabushiki kaisha) on April 1, 1987 as part of the breakup of government-owned Japanese National Railways (JNR). Initially, it was a wholly owned subsidiary of the JNR Settlement Corporation (JNRSC), a special company created to hold the assets of the former JNR while they were shuffled among the new JR companies.

For the first four years of its existence, JR-West leased its highest-revenue line, the Sanyō Shinkansen, from the separate Shinkansen Holding Corporation. JR-West purchased the line in October 1991 at a cost of 974.1 billion JPY (about US$7.2 billion) in long-term payable debt.

JNRSC sold 68.3% of JR-West in an initial public offering on the Tokyo Stock Exchange in October 1996. After JNRSC was dissolved in October 1998, its shares of JR-West were transferred to the government-owned Japan Railway Construction Public Corporation (JRCC), which merged into the Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency (JRTT) as part of a bureaucratic reform package in October 2003. JRTT offered all of its shares in JR-West to the public in an international IPO in 2004, ending the era of government ownership of JR-West. JR-West is now listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Nagoya Stock Exchange, Osaka Securities Exchange and the Fukuoka Stock Exchange.

From Wikipedia
Brand/Importer Information:
Toytec Corporation is located at 7-27 Numawada, Tochigi City, Tochigi, 328-0042, Japan. Manufacturing and sales of model railroad items in Z scale. They were founded on April 17, 1992
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-11-18 12:46:46. Last edited by CNW400 on 2021-11-18 12:46:47

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