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AZL - 71302-0 - Passenger Car, Heavyweight, Pullman Sleeper 6-3 - Pullman

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Z Scale - AZL - 71302-0 - Passenger Car, Heavyweight, Pullman Sleeper 6-3 - Pullman Image Courtesy of AZL
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Stock Number71302-0
Original Retail Price$53.00
Body StyleAZL Passenger Heavyweight Sleeper 6-3
PrototypePassenger Car, Heavyweight, Pullman Sleeper 6-3
Road or Company NamePullman (Details)
Paint Color(s)Two-Tone Grey with Black Roof
Print Color(s)Silver
Coupler TypeAZL AutoLatch
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Release Date2013-01-01
Item CategoryPassenger Car
Model TypeHeavyweight
Model SubtypePullman
Model Variety6-3 Sleeper

Road Name History:
The Pullman Car Company, founded by George Pullman, manufactured railroad cars in the mid-to-late 19th century through the early decades of the 20th century, during the boom of railroads in the United States. Its workers initially lived in a planned worker community (or "company town") named Pullman, Chicago. Pullman developed the sleeping car, which carried his name into the 1980s. Pullman did not just manufacture the cars: he also operated them on most of the railroads in the United States, paying railroad companies to couple the cars to trains. The labor union associated with the company, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, which was founded and organized by A. Philip Randolph, was one of the most powerful African-American political entities of the 20th century. The company also built thousands of streetcars and trolley buses for use in cities.
Brand/Importer Information:
AZL is the leader in North American Z scale locomotives and rolling stock. Since 2000, AZL has released a vast variety of freight, passenger and locomotives. AZL continues to push the boundaries of Z scale with amazing details and incredible performance. No matter if you are looking to run steam, or the most modern diesels, AZL has something for you.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-07-28 13:16:44. Last edited by CNW400 on 2021-07-28 13:16:45

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