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AZL - 73951-2 - Passenger Car, Lightweight, Pullman, Combo RPO-Baggage - Via Rail Canada - 8621

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Z Scale - AZL - 73951-2 - Passenger Car, Lightweight, Pullman, Combo RPO-Baggage - Via Rail Canada - 8621 Image Courtesy of AZL
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Stock Number73951-2
Original Retail Price$71.00
Body StyleAZL Passenger, Lightweight Combo
PrototypePassenger Car, Lightweight, Pullman, Combo RPO-Baggage
Road or Company NameVia Rail Canada (Details)
Road or Reporting Number8621
Additional Markings/SloganCanada
Paint Color(s)Silver with Blue Stripes
Print Color(s)White & Yellow
Coupler TypeAZL AutoLatch
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Release Date2019-02-01
Item CategoryPassenger Car
Model TypeLightweight
Model SubtypePullman
Model VarietyRailway Post Office (RPO), Baggage

Road Name History:
Via Rail Canada (reporting mark VIA) (generally shortened to Via Rail or Via; styled corporately as VIA Rail Canada) is an independent crown corporation, subsidized by the Minister of Transport, mandated to offer intercity passenger rail services in Canada.

On January 12, 1977, CN spun off its passenger services as a separate Crown corporation, VIA Rail Canada. At its inception, Via acquired all CN passenger cars and locomotives. Following several months of negotiation, on October 29, 1978, Via took over operation of CP passenger train services, and took possession of cars and locomotives. Passenger train services which were not included in the creation of Via Rail included those offered by BC Rail, Algoma Central Railway, Ontario Northland Railway, Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway, various urban commuter train services operated by CN and CP, and remaining CN passenger services in Newfoundland.
Brand/Importer Information:
AZL is the leader in North American Z scale locomotives and rolling stock. Since 2000, AZL has released a vast variety of freight, passenger and locomotives. AZL continues to push the boundaries of Z scale with amazing details and incredible performance. No matter if you are looking to run steam, or the most modern diesels, AZL has something for you.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-07-13 14:53:05

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