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Bowser - 37409 - Open Hopper, 4-Bay Steel H21a - Virginian - 216766

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N Scale - Bowser - 37409 - Open Hopper, 4-Bay Steel H21a - Virginian - 216766 Image Courtesy of Bowser Trains
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Stock Number37409
Body StyleBowser Open Hopper 4-Bay H21a
Prototype VehicleOpen Hopper, 4-Bay Steel H21a (Details)
Road or Company NameVirginian (Details)
Reporting MarksVGN
Road or Reporting Number216766
Paint Color(s)Red
Release Date2002-08-01
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeOpen Hopper
Model Subtype4-Bay
Model VarietyH-21a
Prototype RegionNorth America
Prototype EraNA Era II: Late Steam (1901 - 1938)

Prototype History:
1911 thru 1917 70 ton H21a "quad" hoppers were introduced for coal service. During 1922 and 1923 all early H21 hoppers were converted to H21a's by replacing the 50 ton trucks with 70 ton trucks equipping them for coal service and bringing the total to 36,000 H21a hopper cars. The original 1909 thru 1930 quad hoppers were built with the "old style" double door hopper. During the 1930's and early 1940's all old style double-door hoppers were replaced with the "saw tooth" hopper, increasing capacity by 39 to 40 cubic feet making them easier to maintain.
Road Name History:
The Virginian Railway (VGN) was conceived early in the 20th century by two men. One was a brilliant civil engineer, coal mining manager, and entrepreneur, William Nelson Page. His partner was millionaire industrialist, Henry Huttleston Rogers. Together, they built a well-engineered railroad that was virtually a "conveyor belt on rails" to transport high quality "smokeless" bituminous coal from southern West Virginia to port on Hampton Roads, near Norfolk, Virginia.

The Virginian Railway Company was formed in Virginia on March 8, 1907 to combine the Deepwater Railway in West Virginia and the Tidewater Railway in Virginia into a single interstate railroad, only a few months after Victoria was incorporated. On April 15, 1907, William Nelson Page became the first president of the new Virginian Railway.

Throughout that profitable 50-year history, the VGN continued to follow the Page-Rogers policy of "paying up front for the best." It became particularly well known for treating its employees and vendors well, another investment that paid rich dividends. The VGN sought (and achieved) best efficiencies in the mountains, rolling piedmont and flat tidewater terrain. The profitable VGN experimented with the finest and largest steam, electric, and diesel locomotives. It was well known for operating the largest and best equipment, and could afford to. It became nicknamed "the richest little railroad in the world."

Norfolk & Western Railway and Virginian Railway merged in 1959.
Brand/Importer Information:
On May 1, 1961, Bowser was purchased by Lewis and Shirlee English and moved from Redlands, CA to their basement in Muncy, PA. The original Bowser Manufacturing Co first advertised in the model railroad magazines in November 1948. At that time, the company had only one (HO Scale) engine, the Mountain, which had a cast brass boiler that is no longer available. It was sometime later that Bowser (Redlands) developed the NYC K-11 and the UP Challenger. The molds were made by K. Wenzlaff who introduced himself at the MRIA Show in Pasadena, CA in 1985 These two locomotives are still current production.

Bowser entered into N Scale in 1998 with their acquisition of the Delaware Valley Car Company, a manufacturer of N scale freight cars.
Item created by: Lethe on 2015-10-02 10:12:38. Last edited by Lethe on 2020-05-07 00:00:00

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