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Trainworx - 24443-16 - Covered Hopper, 3-Bay, PS 4427 - Rock Island - 631007

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N Scale - Trainworx - 24443-16 - Covered Hopper, 3-Bay, PS 4427 - Rock Island - 631007 Image Courtesy of Trainworx
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Stock Number24443-16
Original Retail Price$32.95
Body StyleTrainworx Covered Hopper 3-Bay PS-2CD 4427
PrototypeCovered Hopper, 3-Bay, PS 4427
Road or Company NameRock Island (Details)
Reporting MarksROCK
Road or Reporting Number631007
Paint Color(s)Light Blue
Print Color(s)Black, White, with Multi-colored ACI tag
Coupler TypeGeneric Magnetic Knuckle
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Announcement Date2021-02-04
Release Date2023-01-01
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeCovered Hopper
Model Subtype3-Bay
Model VarietyPS-2CD 4427

Specific Item Information: Available with 6 different road numbers
Model Information: Properly weighted for superior tracking, the Trainworx Pullman Standard PS-2CD 4427 High Side Covered Hopper models have body mounted magnetic knuckle couplers, etched metal grab irons and roofwalks, three different trough hatch styles, jack pads (where appropriate), and 100 ton trucks with Fox Valley metal wheels.
Road Name History:
The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad (CRI&P RR) (reporting marks RI, ROCK) was a Class I railroad in the United States. It was better known as the Rock Island Line, or, in its final years, The Rock. At the end of 1970 it operated 7183 miles of road on 10669 miles of track; that year it reported 20557 million ton-miles of revenue freight and 118 million passenger-miles. (Those totals may or may not include the former Burlington-Rock Island Railroad.)

Its predecessor, the Rock Island and La Salle Railroad Company, was incorporated in Illinois on February 27, 1847, and an amended charter was approved on February 7, 1851, as the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad. Construction began October 1, 1851, in Chicago, and the first train was operated on October 10, 1852, between Chicago and Joliet. Construction continued on through La Salle, and Rock Island was reached on February 22, 1854, becoming the first railroad to connect Chicago with the Mississippi River.

In 1980 Rock Island was liquidated. The railroad's locomotives, rail cars, equipment, tracks, and real estate were sold to other railroads or to scrappers. William Gibbons (the trustee) was able to raise more than $500 million in the liquidation, paying off all the railroad's creditors, bondholders and all other debts in full at face value with interest. Henry Crown was ultimately proven correct, as both he and other bondholders who had purchased Rock Island debt for cents on the dollar during the low ebb in prices did especially well.

Read more on Wikipedia and Rock Island Technical Society.
Brand/Importer Information:
Trainworx was founded in 1999 by Pat Sanders and is located in Delta Colorado. Their first freight car was the Quad hopper and it was released in 2000. They have been making N scale products ever since. Their website can be found at As of 2016, they have produced 8 different rolling stock body styles as well as a range of different highway vehicles in N Scale. Their limited edition runs have proven a huge success with collectors and modelers enjoy the accuracy of all their products.

Trainworx sells their products both through tradional retail channels as well as directly by phone order. When asked "What prompted you to found Trainworx?", Pat Sanders responded "There was a freight car that hadn't been done in N scale that I just had to have and it didn't look like anyone was ever going to make it."
Item created by: CNW400 on 2024-03-28 13:29:20. Last edited by CNW400 on 2024-03-28 13:29:21

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