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Rapido Trains UK - 961010-A - Covered Wagon, Iron Mink, 10-Ton - Painted/Lettered - 262

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N Scale - Rapido Trains UK - 961010-A - Covered Wagon, Iron Mink, 10-Ton - Painted/Lettered - 262 Image Courtesy of Rapido Trains
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Production TypeAnnounced
Stock Number961010-A
BrandRapido Trains UK
ManufacturerRapido Trains UK
Body StyleRapido Covered Wagon Iron Mink
PrototypeCovered Wagon, Iron Mink, 10-Ton
Road or Company NamePainted/Lettered (Details)
Reporting MarksFerrocrete
Road or Reporting Number262
Paint Color(s)Yellow with Silver Roof
Print Color(s)Blue & Black
Paint SchemeFantasy Scheme
Additional Markings/SloganPortland Cement
Coupler TypeRapido Hook NEM Standard Pocket
Coupler MountBody-Mount
Wheel TypeNickel-Silver Plated Metal
Wheel ProfileSmall Flange (Low Profile)
Multipack Count3
Multipack ID Number961010
Multipack Element1
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeCovered Wagon
Model Subtype10-Ton
Model VarietyMetal, Iron Mink
Track GaugeN standard

Specific Item Information: Road Numbers: Wagon 1 – Ferrocrete No.262 (end vents, double sided 4-shoe brakes and standard doors) Wagon 2 – BPCM No.168 (end vents, double sided 4-shoe brakes and standard doors) Wagon 3 – Blue Circle No.208 (end vents, double sided 4-shoe brakes and standard doors)
Road Name History:
Some items are designed to have their owner add whatever company marking they choose, usually in the form of decals or dry-transfers. These items are painted in a generic prototypical fashion but with all company affiliation deliberately left off.
These items can be lettered or numbered, but without any company name on it.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2024-01-11 16:00:25

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