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Rokuhan - A101-6 - Container, 40 Foot, Corrugated, Dry - Sinotrans - 2-Pack

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Z Scale - Rokuhan - A101-6 - Container, 40 Foot, Corrugated, Dry - Sinotrans - 2-Pack Image Courtesy of Rokuhan Japan
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Stock NumberA101-6
Original Retail Price1,280¥
Body StyleRokuhan Container 40 Foot Corrugated
Prototype VehicleContainer, 40 Foot, Corrugated, Dry (Details)
Road or Company NameSinotrans (Details)
Road or Reporting Number2-Pack
Paint Color(s)Blue
Print Color(s)White
Multipack Count2
Multipack ID NumberA101-6
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeContainer
Model SubtypeIntermodal
Model Variety40 Foot, Corrugated
RegionNorth America
Prototype EraNA Era V: Modern Diesel (1979 - Present)

Prototype History:
The 40 foot container is the king of the container business. It is the most common standard container size used for international and domestic shipping. Most intermodal operations that handle overseas shipping are optimized for this container size. These containers are typically reinforced for loading, unloading and transportation by ship.

Dry containers are meant for non-refrigerated goods and hence are the most common type.

Corrugation in the construction of these containers yields much greater strength (just like with corrugated cardboard for boxes) but is more expensive to fabricate. Due to the extra strength granted by the corrugation, this is a popular type for overseas use.
Road Name History:
SINOTRANS&CSC was established with the merging of China National Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation (“SINOTRANS”) and China Changjiang National Shipping (Group) Corporation (“CSC”) in March 2009. The headquarters is located in Beijing.
Brand/Importer Information:
Toytec Corporation is located at 7-27 Numawada, Tochigi City, Tochigi, 328-0042, Japan. Manufacturing and sales of model railroad items in Z scale. They were founded on April 17, 1992
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-08-04 13:30:42

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