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AZL - 913801-2 - Tank Car, 17600 Gallon, Corn Syrup - Archer Daniels Midland - 17410

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Z Scale - AZL - 913801-2 - Tank Car, 17600 Gallon, Corn Syrup - Archer Daniels Midland - 17410 Image Courtesy of AZL
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Stock Number913801-2
Original Retail Price$51.00
Body StyleAZL Tank Car, 17600 Gallon, Corn Syrup
PrototypeTank Car, 17600 Gallon, Corn Syrup
Road or Company NameArcher Daniels Midland (Details)
Reporting MarksADMX
Road or Reporting Number17410
Paint Color(s)Black
Print Color(s)White, Blue & Green
Paint SchemeLeaf Logo with Conspicuity Stripes
Coupler TypeAZL AutoLatch
Wheel TypeChemically Blackened Metal
Release Date2015-10-01
Item CategoryRolling Stock (Freight)
Model TypeTank Car
Model Subtype17,600 Gallon
Model VarietyCorn Syrup

Road Name History:
As the world's population grows, so does demand for quality foods, feed ingredients for livestock, alternative fuels, and environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional chemicals. As one of the world's leading agricultural processors, ADM plays a pivotal role in meeting all of these needs.

ADM produces the food ingredients, animal feeds and feed ingredients, biofuels and other products that manufacturers around the world use to provide wholesome food and a better life to millions of people around the globe.

From the ADM Website
Brand/Importer Information:
AZL is the leader in North American Z scale locomotives and rolling stock. Since 2000, AZL has released a vast variety of freight, passenger and locomotives. AZL continues to push the boundaries of Z scale with amazing details and incredible performance. No matter if you are looking to run steam, or the most modern diesels, AZL has something for you.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2021-07-17 17:39:51. Last edited by CNW400 on 2021-07-17 17:39:52

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