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Woodland Scenics - US2251 - Double Crossbar Pole - Scenery

25 of these are for sale right now on marketplaces, with a low price of: $11.75$11.75 (25)25 of these are for sale right now on marketplaces, with a low price of: $11.75
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N Scale - Woodland Scenics - US2251 - Double Crossbar Pole - Scenery Image courtesy of Woodland Scenics
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Stock NumberUS2251
Original Retail Price$24.99
BrandWoodland Scenics
ManufacturerWoodland Scenics
Body StyleWoodland Scenics Built Up Structure
Image Provider's WebsiteLink
PrototypeDouble Crossbar Pole
Road or Company NameScenery (Details)
Reporting MarksPre-Wired Poles - Double Crossbar
Announcement Date2019-12-01
Release Date2021-04-26
Item CategoryScenery
Model TypePre-Wired Poles
Model SubtypeScenery
Model VarietyDouble Crossbar

Specific Item Information: Place N Scale Single Crossbar Pre-Wired Poles down city streets to model power poles and give your layout an added layer of realism in minutes. They are hand-painted and feature weathered wood poles, guy wires and other authentic details. Pre-Wired Poles are easy to install. Simply drill holes, pull poles out of packaging, slide along wire and plant in place.
Road Name History:
Bring your railroad to life with lush greenery, fall colors, or glistening snow, and add trees, water, crops, shrubs, and more for a vibrant and realistic layout.
Brand/Importer Information:
Woodland Scenics is committed to a business practice, which supports the economy of our local community. We manufacture the vast majority of our products at our Linn Creek, Missouri manufacturing plant, which also houses our product development, package and creative design, marketing, sales and customer service operations.

Many of the products or parts of the products we manufacture overseas, come back home for packaging and shipping by Woodland Scenics employees. When you purchase Woodland Scenics Quality Brands, you support American manufacturing working in balance with a global economy to support American jobs.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2020-08-31 14:17:55. Last edited by CNW400 on 2021-04-26 15:00:11

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