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Showcase Miniatures - 7506 - Figures, Railroad - People - Engineer & Fireman

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N Scale - Showcase Miniatures - 7506 - Figures, Railroad - People - Engineer & Fireman
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Stock Number7506
Original Retail Price$9.49
BrandShowcase Miniatures
ManufacturerShowcase Miniatures
Body StyleShowcase Miniatures Figure Sets
PrototypeFigures, Railroad
Road or Company NamePeople (Details)
Road or Reporting NumberEngineer & Fireman
Item CategoryFigures
Model TypePeople
Model SubtypeRailroad
Model VarietyDiesel Era

Road Name History:
What would any model railroad layout be without people? The conductors, engineers, passengers, passers-by and all the many things that people do in their daily lives are what make a model railroad come alive.

Model railroad figures are typically made from molded plastic, but are also available made from resin, pewter and even 3D-printing. They can come in either painted or undecorated form and are available in a wide variety of activities. Not just passengers and crew, but more obscure types of figures are available such as bee-keepers, skaters, sunbathers and fire-fighters.

Brand/Importer Information:
Founded by Joe Warren, in Cherry Valley, California, in 1995, Showcase Miniatures manufactures high quality cast pewter metal, etched brass, and/or laser cut wood model railroad structures, vehicles, and accessories in HO, N, and Z Scale. Moved to Tuskegee, Alabama in 2012, Walter Vail is Showcase Miniatures current owner and product designer. In developing new products, Walter employs different methods such as hand sculpting and the use of 3D computer software. Crafted by a master modeler, who has had his scratch-built science fiction models featured in Kalmbach Publishing's FineScale Modeler magazine, and previously designed products for businesses such as C-in-C Soft Metal Castings, FASA, GHQ, and Ral-Partha Enterprises, the high quality detail exhibited in every Showcase Miniatures product is certainly not a coincidence.
Item created by: CNW400 on 2020-07-09 17:52:15. Last edited by CNW400 on 2020-07-09 17:52:16

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