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1765 - Chest-on-Chest - Mahogany

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Chippendale Style - 1765 - Chest-on-Chest - Mahogany MS Rau Auctions
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Country of OriginEngland

Description: Chest-on-Chest
Dimensions: 83" High x 42.5" Wide x 22.5" Deep
Notes: This remarkable chest-on-chest is attributed to the iconic Thomas Chippendale, making it one of the very few furnishings by the craftsman's hand not presently in a museum. The epitome of precision and expert workmanship, it is exemplary of Chippendale's signature style, bringing together the neoclassical and chinoiserie elements that have become synonymous with his name.
Item created by: gdm on 2020-01-15 12:26:55. Last edited by Lethe on 2020-05-07 00:00:00

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