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4 of these are for sale right now on marketplaces, with a low price of: $76.33$76.33 (4)4 of these are for sale right now on marketplaces, with a low price of: $76.33
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Watch - Ebel - 193902
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BrandEbel (Details)
Years in Production2007
Case Diameter (mm)35
Thickness (mm)7
Power Reserve (hours)48
Jewel Count27
Date PositionYes
Quickset FunctionYes
Movement TypeAutomatic
MechanismEbel 137 (Details)
Frequency28, 800
Second HandSweep
Case MaterialStainless Steel
Bezel MaterialGold 18K Yellow
Date Position3 O'Clock
Crown Position3 O'Clock
Crystal MaterialSapphire
Band TypeStrap
Band MaterialLeather
Band ReplaceableYes

Notes: Hour marks can be Roman or Index. The leather strap can be black or brown.
In 1911 Eugène Blum found, together with Alice Blum, née Lévy, an etablissage workshop in La Chaux-de-Fonds. By combining the first letters of both names — Eugène Blum Et Lévy — the Brand name "Ebel" was created. In 1932 Charles, the son of the founder, took over the management of the company. He built the sales network of the business by further expanding it into many foreign countries, Including United States. Under the direction of Blum's grandson Pierre-Alain the company took a significant upturn since the beginning of the 1970s and produced wristwatches for Cartier. The company was part of LVMH Group until the end of the 2003. In 2004, EBEL was acquired by Movado Group Inc. (MGI), one of the world's leading watchmakers. MGI designs, manufactures and distributes watches for nine respected brand names.
Item created by: gdm on 2019-01-01 08:30:29. Last edited by gdm on 2019-01-01 08:30:46

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