Mythos Collectible Card Game

A CCG published by Chaosium

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Total Records: 67
Rows per page:
Card ID ImageURL Card Name Expansion Type Rarity MktData ID
1 Arthur Jermyn Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Common 1.07 27036
2 Capt. Edward Norrys Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Common 0.00 27037
3 Capt. Karl Heinrich Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Common 0.00 27038
4 Dennys Barry Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Common 0.00 27039
5 Dr. Allen Halsey Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Uncommon 0.00 27040
6 Erich Zann Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Rare 0.00 27041
7 Eusapia Paladino Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Rare 0.00 27042
8 Henry Armitage Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Uncommon 0.00 27043
9 Herbert West Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Uncommon 1.07 27044
10 Lavinia Whateley Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Common 0.00 27045
11 Lord Edward Dunsany Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Rare 0.00 27046
12 Madame Blavatsky Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Rare 0.00 27047
13 Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Common 0.00 27048
14 Old Man Whateley Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Rare 0.00 27049
15 Prof. Wingate Peaslee Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Rare 2.66 27050
16 Wilbur Whateley Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Uncommon 0.00 27051
17 Zachariah Whateley Expeditions of Miskatonic University Ally Common 0.00 27052
18 A Day In The Life of a Miskatonic University Student Expeditions of Miskatonic University Adventure Common 1.08 27053
19 Lost in the Catacombs Expeditions of Miskatonic University Adventure Common 0.00 27054
20 The Auction Expeditions of Miskatonic University Adventure Uncommon 0.00 27055
21 The Dunwich Horror Expeditions of Miskatonic University Adventure Rare 0.00 27056
22 The Expedition Expeditions of Miskatonic University Adventure Uncommon 0.00 27057
23 The Secret of Power and Glory Is Yours Expeditions of Miskatonic University Adventure Uncommon 0.00 27058
24 The Unspeakable Oath Expeditions of Miskatonic University Adventure Rare 0.00 27059
25 Angles of Tagh Clatur Expeditions of Miskatonic University Spell Common 0.00 27060
Total Records: 67
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