Mythos Collectible Card Game

A CCG published by Chaosium

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Total Records: 126
Rows per page:
Card ID ImageURL Card Name Expansion Type Rarity MktData ID
0 Rebellious Youth / Bored Clerk Mythos Investigator Starter 0.00 178774
0 Gifted Musician / Soulful Jazz Singer Mythos Investigator Starter 0.00 178773
1 Adventurous Dilettante/Proud Prussian Submariner Mythos Investigator Starter 0.00 27170
1 Diabolic Cultist/Obsequious Televangelist New Aeon Investigator Starter 0.00 27380
1 Alone in the World Starter Adventure Starter 1.11 27585
1 Bored Housewife/Exploited Coal Miner The Dreamlands Investigator Starter 0.00 27689
2 Brilliant Egyptian Archaeologist/Hardened Chicago Gangster Mythos Investigator Starter 0.00 27171
2 Obsessed Federal Agent/Obsessed Agent in Mi-Go Braincase New Aeon Investigator Starter 0.00 27381
2 The Price Starter Adventure Starter 1.11 27586
2 Falsely Imprisoned Convict/Overworked Telephone Operator The Dreamlands Investigator Starter 0.00 27690
3 Capable Graduate Student/Haunted French Sculptor Mythos Investigator Starter 0.00 27172
3 Pallid Programmer/Deep-One Hybrid New Aeon Investigator Starter 0.00 27382
3 Questionable Judgement Starter Adventure Starter 0.00 27587
3 Enthusiastic Chorus Girl/Unacknowledged Author The Dreamlands Investigator Starter 7.00 27691
4 Cleric of Fading Faith/Grizzled Boston Detective Mythos Investigator Starter 0.00 27173
4 Skeptical Pathologist/Grinning Ghoul New Aeon Investigator Starter 0.00 27383
4 Whispers in Darkness Starter Adventure Starter 1.11 27588
4 Homeless Waif/Utopian Socialist The Dreamlands Investigator Starter 7.50 27692
5 Controversial French Mystic/The Unfortunate Nephew Mythos Investigator Starter 0.00 27174
5 Trigger-Happy Mercenary/Sardonic Serpentman New Aeon Investigator Starter 0.00 27384
5 Dr. Allen Starter Ally Starter 1.11 27589
5 Lyric Poet/Widowed Seamstress The Dreamlands Investigator Starter 7.50 27693
6 Earnest Reporter/ Staid University Professor Mythos Investigator Starter 0.00 27175
6 Gomes Starter Ally Starter 1.12 27590
7 Exuberant Boston Flapper/ Mad German Inventor Mythos Investigator Starter 0.00 27176
Total Records: 126
Rows per page: