Mythos Collectible Card Game

A CCG published by Chaosium

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Total Records: 927
Rows per page:
Card ID ImageURL Card Name Expansion Type Rarity MktData ID
349 Howard Lovecraft The Dreamlands Ally Common 2.17 27893
210 Yithian Mental Contact Mythos Event Uncommon 0.00 27379
209 Waxing Moon Mythos Event Common 0.00 27378
208 Waning Moon Mythos Event Common 0.00 27377
207 Typhoid Mythos Event Uncommon 0.00 27376
206 Triskaidekaphobia Mythos Event Rare 0.00 27375
205 The Voynich Manuscript The Dreamlands Tome Rare 4.35 27892
205 B-Movie Script New Aeon Tome Common 0.00 27584
205 Train Mythos Event Common 1.08 27374
204 Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New-English Canaan The Dreamlands Tome Common 0.00 27891
204 Townsfolk Riot Mythos Event Uncommon 0.00 27373
204 Zanthu Tablets: A Conjectural Translation New Aeon Tome Common 1.56 27583
203 Zanthu Tablets New Aeon Tome Common 0.00 27582
203 Thieves in Your Attic Mythos Event Common 0.00 27372
203 Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New England Canaan The Dreamlands Tome Uncommon 0.00 27890
202 Whispers Pulp Magazine Collection New Aeon Tome Common 1.57 27581
202 Pnakotic Manuscripts The Dreamlands Tome Uncommon 0.00 27889
202 The Innsmouth Look Mythos Event Rare 0.00 27371
201 The Internet New Aeon Tome Common 1.57 27580
201 Papyrus of Ilarnek The Dreamlands Tome Common 0.00 27888
201 Scotophobia Mythos Event Common 0.00 27370
200 The Necronomicon, Dreamlands Edition The Dreamlands Tome Uncommon 0.00 27887
200 Rhabdophobia Mythos Event Uncommon 0.00 27369
200 Prophecies of Nostradamus New Aeon Tome Uncommon 3.48 27579
199 Powerful Storms Mythos Event Common 0.00 27368
Total Records: 927
Rows per page: