War at Sea Fleet and Collection Building

Published: 2016-03-08 - By: gdm
Last updated on: 1900-01-01
visibility: Public
War At Sea Database

One forumini member was asking recently how to track his collection in TroveStar. I decided to write up instructions on how to do this an post it here.

First off, you must log into the site. Many of you already have, but for those who have not, the site uses Google Authentication. This means you log in through google/gmail. You do not need to create a new user id, and the site never learns your password. It is much safer than any other mechanism. Just select "User: Login" in the menu to start the process. If you do not have a gmail account, they only take like 3 minutes to create.

After logging on, please go to your profile (in the menu-bar, under User) and request editorial access to the War at Sea database. This is a single button push.

Then you can create fleets and/or collection lists. Here is how to do it.

  • Go to trovestar.com and select and W@S unit. Doesn't matter which.
  • In the menu-bar, under "Collection" you should see an option called "Fleet Selection".
  • You should see a text box towards the bottom which says "". Choose a name for your collection (such as My WAS Collection) and then push the "Add a New Fleet" button.
  • Your new fleet should appear in the list (likely as the only entry). There should be a button on the right of the name that says "Use 'My WAS Collection' as default Fleet". Push that button.
  • Now you can go to any ship in the database and a new button should be below the picture of the card which says "Add to Active Fleet". Push that button if you own a copy of that ship. If you own several, push it several times.
  • To view your collection, under the "Collection" menu-bar, you can find "Fleet Viewer". Select that to see all the ships in your collection.
  • If you want to change the quantity of a given ship you own or delete the item entirely, look under the "Collection" menu-bar for "Fleet Editor". This will bring up a list of the ships in your collection and allow you modify the quantity or delete the item entirely.
  • You can have multiple "Fleets". One can be your master collection, and the rest can be game builds.

Let me know if you have any questions.
